
というNBER論文をアセモグルとオーターらが上げている(H/T タイラー・コーエンNBER Macroeconomics Annual 2023, volume 38のChapter 3としても上がっている)。原題は「Bottlenecks: Sectoral Imbalances and the US Productivity Slowdown」で、著者はDaron Acemoglu(MIT)、David Autor(同)、Christina Patterson(シカゴ大)。

A little bit of advertisement for a new paper, joint with David Autor and Christina Patterson, that has just come out as an NBER working paper and will be published in the NBER Macroannual 2023: https://nber.org/papers/w31427?utm_campaign=ntwh&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntwg6 Or can be accessed from my website: https://economics.mit.edu/sites/default/files/2023-06/Bottlenecks%20-%20Sectoral%20Imbalances%20and%20the%20US%20Productivity%20Slowdown_0.pdf
The paper proposes a new explanation — innovation bottlenecks — for why productivity growth has been so disappointing in the industrialized world, despite the common view that we are living in the most innovative age of humanity.
Indeed, we get new widgets and apps every day, and the number of patents have surged:
But aggregate productivity (using economists’ favorite notion of “total factor productivity”) has been lackluster:
Not much different in the rest of the industrialized world:
Here is our proposed explanation: the current configuration of innovation is too unbalanced across sectors.
We identify bottlenecks and innovation both in terms of inputs (such as car components) and ideas (you need to build on ideas from different technological areas for most innovations) as constrains on TFP growth.
Our numbers suggest that much of the productivity slowdown could be due to this unbalanced nature of innovation and research effort in the US and across the OECD. One implication of this, if true, is particularly interesting:
Rather than an unblemished engine of growth, the effects of huge investments in electronics and digital and communication technologies may have been more nuanced — too much emphasis in the sectors may crowd out investment in others, slowing down growth.
デビッド・オーターとクリスティーナ・パターソンと共著した新しい論文の宣伝を少しばかり。NBERワーキングペーパーとして出たばかりで、かつ、NBERのマクロ年次2023に掲載される予定:https://nber.org/papers/w31427 もしくは私のウエブサイトで読める:https://economics.mit.edu/sites/default/files/2023-06/Bottlenecks%20-%20Sectoral%20Imbalances%20and%20the%20US%20Productivity%20Slowdown_0.pdf





*1:cf. ここ