
前々回エントリで今回ノーベル経済学賞を受賞したアセモグルの共著NBER論文を紹介したが、同じタイミングでアセモグルはテーマがまったく違う別の表題の共著NBER論文を上げていたungated版)。原題は「Online Business Models, Digital Ads, and User Welfare」で、著者はDaron Acemoglu(MIT)、Daniel Huttenlocher(同)、Asuman Ozdaglar(同)、James Siderius(ダートマス大)。

We present a model where social media platforms offer plans that intermix entertaining content with digital advertising (“ads”). Users derive utility from entertainment and learn about their valuation for a product from ads. While some users are fully rational, others naïvely perceive digital ads as more informative than they actually are. We characterize the profit-maximizing business model of the platform and show that welfare is lower when the platform monetizes through advertising instead of subscription both for naïfs (because they are targeted by intense digital advertising, which makes them over-optimistic about product quality and over-purchase the product) and for sophisticates (because the inflated demand from naïfs increases the firm’s price). This negative welfare effect is intensified when the platform can offer mixed business models that separate the naïve and sophisticated users into different plans. Our results are robust to firm-level and platform-level competition, because digital ads soften competition between both firms and platforms. We also show how digital ad taxes can improve welfare.

この論文の参考文献に挙げられているが、アセモグルは、今年のノーベル経済学賞の共同受賞者であるサイモン・ジョンソンと共に、デジタル広告に至急課税せよ、という記事を4月に上げている(ちなみにこの記事が上がっている「MIT Shaping the Future of Work Initiative」は、アセモグルとジョンソンのほか、David Autorが率いている。ただし記事の初出は3/25付けのNetwork Law Review)。