
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「A Flexible, Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Difference-in-Differences Estimator for Repeated Cross-Sections」で、著者はPartha Deb(ハンター大)、Edward C. Norton(ミシガン大)、Jeffrey M. Wooldridge(ミシガン州立大)、Jeffrey E. Zabel(タフツ大)。

This paper proposes a method to estimate treatment effects in difference-in-differences designs in which the treatment start is staggered over time and treatment effects are heterogeneous by group, time, and covariates, and when the data are repeated cross-sections. We show that a linear-in-parameters regression specification with a sufficiently flexible functional form consisting of group-by-time treatment effects, two-way fixed effects, and interaction terms yields consistent estimates of heterogeneous treatment effects under general conditions. The estimates are efficient and aggregation of treatment effects and inference are straightforward. We call it FLEX, because it is a flexible linear model estimated by OLS with covariates (X). We illustrate the use of FLEX with two empirical examples and provide comparisons to other recently derived estimators.

*1:cf. 積み重ね差の差分析 - himaginary’s diary

*2:こちらの資料では「クロスセクションデータをいくつかの時点について集めたもの」と説明されている。12.3 Repeated Cross Sections | A Guide on Data Analysisでは「For each time point (day, month, year, etc.), a set of data is sampled. This set of data can be different among different time points. For example, you can sample different groups of students each time you survey.」と説明されている。

*3:regression - What does "linear in parameters" mean? - Data Science Stack Exchangeの一つの回答では「"Linear in parameters" in Linear Regression, means no parameter appears as an exponent, nor multiplied or divided by another parameter.」と説明されている。