
前回エントリに続き、世代を超えた格差の継続を取り上げたNBER論文を紹介する。以下は表題のNBER論文(原題は「Intergenerational Persistence in Child Mortality」、著者はUCサンディエゴのFrances R. LuとTom Vogl、ungated版)の要旨。

We study the intergenerational persistence of inequality by estimating grandmother-mother associations in the loss of a child, using pooled data from 119 Demographic and Health Surveys in 44 developing countries. Compared with compatriots of the same age, women with at least one sibling who died in childhood face 39% higher odds of having experienced at least one own-child death, or 7 percentage points at age 49. Place fixed effects reduce estimated mortality persistence by 47%; socioeconomic covariates explain far less. Within countries over time, persistence falls with aggregate child mortality, so that mortality decline disproportionately benefits high-mortality lineages.