というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Economist's View)。原題は「Can Economic Policies Reduce Deaths of Despair?」で、著者はWilliam H. Dow、Anna Godøy、Christopher A. Lowenstein、Michael Reich(いずれもUCバークレー、GodøyとReichは労働雇用研究所[Institute for Research on Labor and Employment]、DowとLowensteinは公衆衛生大学院[School of Public Health])。
Midlife mortality has risen steadily in the U.S. since the 1990s for non-Hispanic whites without a bachelor’s degree, and since 2013 for Hispanics and African-Americans who lack a bachelor’s degree. These increases largely reflect increased mortality from alcohol poisoning, drug overdose and suicide. We investigate whether these “deaths of despair” trends have been mitigated by two key policies aimed at raising incomes for low wage workers: the minimum wage and the earned income tax credit (EITC). To do so, we leverage state variation in policies over time to estimate difference-in-differences models of drug overdose deaths and suicides, using data on cause-specific mortality rates from 1999-2015. Our causal models find no significant effects of the minimum wage and EITC on drug-related mortality. However, higher minimum wages and EITCs significantly reduce non-drug suicides. A 10 percent increase in the minimum wage reduces non-drug suicides among adults with high school or less by 3.6 percent; a 10 percent increase in the EITC reduces suicides among this group by 5.5 percent. Our estimated models do not find significant effects for a college-educated placebo sample. Event-study models confirm parallel pre-trends, further supporting the validity of our causal research design. Our estimates suggest that increasing both the minimum wage and the EITC by 10 percent would likely prevent a combined total of around 1230 suicides each year.
UCバークレーの紹介記事(H/T 前掲Economist's Viewエントリ)によれば、メディケイドの拡大については有意な効果が観測されなかったとの由。また、WaPo記事によれば、最低賃金引き上げは即座に効果を発揮するが、EITC引き上げは税率が変化する翌年に効果を発揮するとの由。同記事によれば、若い女性などの最低賃金で働いている可能性の高い集団で最も効果が発揮され、男性では黒人とヒスパニックで最も効果が発揮されたという。さらに同記事では、同様の因果関係を見い出した研究を他に幾つか紹介している。