
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Currency Risk Premiums: A Multi-horizon Perspective」で、著者はMikhail Chernov(UCLA)、Magnus Dahlquist(ストックホルム商科大)。

In this survey, we present a case for studying currency risk premiums across multiple horizons. Such a perspective closely connects the properties of exchange rates and sovereign bonds. The critical takeaway from this analysis is that the bond-based evidence often clashes with the intuition about exchange rates developed based on single-horizon facts.
Common general equilibrium models, which explain single-horizon UIP violations, have difficulty explaining their multi-horizon versions. Empirical, or so-called no-arbitrage, models can capture the evidence jointly, but equilibrium mechanisms require departures from the representative agent or exogenous endowment economies. Emerging economies present further complications, as the single- and multi-horizon evidence differs from that from the G10 economies.
These challenges bring opportunities. While existing research focused on the empirical margin, the path forward is to systematize and conceptualize the accumulated evidence in a plausible theoretical framework. Here, we describe some of the early attempts to do so, but much remains to be done.