12日と昨日のエントリで取り上げた論争において、ノアピニオン氏が表題の15日付ブルームバーグ論説(原題は「How to Restore Faith in Economics」)でも論陣を張っている。以下はそこからの引用。
In the years since the crisis, a popular narrative has sprung up about why economists have been getting so many big things wrong. It goes something like this: Economists are obsessed with theory. Entranced by the beauty of elegant constructs, they’re disconnected from the way the world really works.
That story has more than a little basis in fact. In the early 1980s, the majority of papers published in top econ journals were theory papers. In 1986, Edward Prescott, whose macroeconomic theories would go on to win him a Nobel Prize, confidently declared that theory was “ahead” of measurement -- in effect, that a combination of intuition and math could tell us more about the business cycle than statistics and evidence. Prescott’s website declared that economists should “progress, not regress” -- a pun on the statistical technique of regression, which he disdained.
But that was 30 years ago, and times have changed. As my Bloomberg View colleague Justin Fox has reported, most economics papers are now empirical work instead of theory:
So the standard narrative about why economists are useless is out of date. It still, of course, makes sense to have a healthy amount of skepticism of macroeconomic theory. But most of econ is now on much firmer footing.
But a new critique is emerging. Some skeptics are telling us to discount the empirical evidence now pouring out of the economics profession. Russ Roberts, host of the podcast "EconTalk," and John Cochrane, of the Hoover Institution, are two such skeptics. Roberts and Cochrane note that many empirical studies disagree with each other and others are later proven wrong. Therefore, they recommend that economists rely less on empirical studies and more on intuition about how the economy works.
The diagnosis here is correct, but the solution is not. ...
So be skeptical of new economic findings that you read about in the news. But be far more skeptical of evidence-free pronouncements from people who claim to have access to a special mode of thinking. Evidence is imperfect, but it’s a big step up from conjecture and ideology. The empirical revolution should make you trust economists more, not less.