
というIMF論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Effective Fiscal-Monetary Interactions in Severe Recessions」で、著者は同基金のJiaqian Chen、Raphael A Espinoza、Carlos Goncalves、Tryggvi Gudmundsson、Martina Hengge、Zoltan Jakab、Jesper Lindé。

The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent need for policy support have called the traditional separation between fiscal and monetary policies into question. Based on simulations of an open economy DSGE model calibrated to emerging and advance economies and case study evidence, the analysis shows when constraints are binding a more integrated approach of looking at policies can lead to a better policy mix and ultimately better macroeconomic outcomes under certain circumstances. Nonetheless, such an approach entails risks, necessitating a clear assessment of each country’s circumstances as well as safeguards to protect the credibility of the existing institutional framework.


It should be noted that the paper does not argue that policies should be coordinated, but rather that fiscal and monetary authorities take externalities by one policy lever on the effectiveness of the other one into account. These externalities–or policy interactions—change with economic conditions and are more important when one policy lever is constrained. The notion of policy awareness is different from policy coordination. Coordination requires joint planning and analysis, which is difficult to achieve, including due to transmission- and implementation lags. Rather, the paper argues that overall policy effectiveness can be improved unilaterally by FP and MP authorities by taking state-dependent differences in the impact of one policy on the other into account.