
引き続き開発政策ネタ。少し前にMostly Economicsが韓国の輸出主導政策に焦点を当てたPIIE論文紹介している。論文のタイトルは「From hermit kingdom to miracle on the Han」で、著者はDouglas A. Irwin(ダートマス大)。以下はその要旨。

In 1960, South Korea’s exports were about 1 percent of GDP, and the country’s ability to import depended almost entirely on US aid. After changing its foreign exchange and trade policies in the mid-1960s, Korea saw a surge in exports to more than 10 percent of GDP by the end of the decade. What factors account for the shift in policy that enabled this dramatic export growth to occur? The United States helped initiate the process by withholding financial assistance, pressuring Korea to devalue its currency and reform its foreign exchange regime. Initially, the Korean government resisted taking these steps, but in 1964 it became firmly committed to an export promotion strategy to boost foreign exchange earnings and end its dependence on American aid.
1960年の韓国の輸出はGDPの約1%で、国の輸入能力はほぼ完全に米国の援助に依存していた。1960年代半ばに為替・貿易政策を変更した後、1960年代終わりにはGDPの10%以上にまで韓国の輸出は増加した。この劇的な輸出の成長を可能にした政策の変化はどのような要因によるものだったのだろうか? 米国は、財政援助を控えることにより、韓国が自国通貨を切り下げて為替制度を改革するよう圧力を掛け、このプロセスの始まりに寄与した。当初、韓国政府はそうした方向に進むことに抵抗したが、1964年には、外貨収入を引き上げて米国からの援助への依存を終わらせる輸出振興戦略にしっかりと舵を切った。

Mostly Economcsのこちらのエントリで紹介されているように、Irwinは台湾についても輸出主導政策への転換に関する記事「Taiwan's early emphasis on exports vindicates the power of economic ideas」を書いている。以下はその基となった論文「How economic ideas led to Taiwan’s shift to export promotion in the 1950s」の要旨。

Taiwan was the first developing country to adopt an export-oriented trade strategy after World War II. The factors usually associated with big shifts in policy—a macroeconomic crisis, a change in political power or institutions, lobbying by export interests, pressure from international financial institutions—were not present; it was ideas that were key. In 1954, economist S. C. Tsiang proposed that Taiwan boost export earnings rather than squeeze import spending to deal with its chronic shortage of foreign exchange. He recommended a currency devaluation to establish a realistic exchange rate and a market-based system of foreign exchange allocation to end the inefficient rationing by the government. Four years later, a policymaker, K. Y. Yin, fought for the adoption of Tsiang’s proposal, helping clear the way for Taiwan’s phenomenal growth in trade.