タイラー・コーエンやアンドリュー・ゲルマンが取り上げているが、4/10エントリで紹介した論文に対し、表題の反証論文が出ている。原題は「Public Health Interventions and Economic Growth: Revisiting The Spanish Flu Evidence」で、著者はAndrew Lilley、Matthew Lilley、Gianluca Rinaldi(いずれもハーバード大)。
Motivated by the evidence presented by Correia, Luck, and Verner [2020], we investigate the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) using data from 43 US cities around the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. We measure the impact of NPIs on manufacturing employment and output in the 1899-1927 period and find that the large apparent positive effects from NPIs are driven by trends across cities which precede the pandemic. In fact, NPIs are strongly related to preexisting patterns in manufacturing employment and output growth from 1899 to 1914, before the onset of the pandemic. As such, measurements of medium run growth in city-level economic activity after 1914, such as those used by Correia, Luck, and Verner [2020], are likely to be picking up long-run trends which were correlated with the NPI treatment variables by chance.
In this brief note we caution against drawing conclusions from this experience, due to the confounding factors that cause divergent growth between cities in this period. After accounting for city-specific pretrends, we find that both implementing NPIs earlier, and maintaining them for longer, had statistically insignificant effects on economic growth. Specifically, we find that the 95% confidence interval of the effect of implementing NPIs ten days earlier on manufacturing employment ranges from -8% to +12%. The effect on manufacturing employment of implementing three NPIs for an additional ten days each has a confidence interval from -5% to +5%. We conclude this episode does not provide clear evidence of the effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on economic growth.
Correia、Luck、Verner(2020)が提示した実証結果に動機付けられ、我々は、1918年のスペイン風邪パンデミック前後の43米都市のデータを用いて、非医薬的措置(NPI)の効果を調べた。我々は1899-1927年の期間における製造業の雇用と産出にNPIが与えた影響を計測し、NPIの一見大きなプラスの効果は、パンデミック以前に存在した各都市のトレンドによってもたらされたことを見い出した。実際、NPIは、パンデミック発生前である1899年から1914年に掛けての製造業の雇用と生産の伸びに既に存在していたパターンと、強く関連している。そのため、 Correia、Luck、Verner(2020)が行ったような1914年以降の都市レベルの経済活動の中期的な伸びの計測は、NPI処置変数とたまたま相関していた長期のトレンドを拾い上げている可能性が高い。
*1:school closures, public gathering bans, and isolation/quarantine policies(学校閉鎖、集会禁止、隔離・検疫政策)。