
昨日紹介したDouglas L. Campbellのエントリの追記では、Pseudoerasmusから紹介されたとして、Campbellと似た説を提示しているという「Precocious Albion: Human Capability and the British Industrial Revolution」なる論文にリンクしている(著者はMorgan KellyJoel MokyrCormac Ó Gráda)。以下は同論文の要旨。

The widespread view that English Industrial Revolution was driven by labour substituting technical progress caused by high wages suffers from a basic defect: although English wages were high, so too was English productivity. We argue instead that England’s high wages and Industrial Revolution stemmed from a common source: the superior human capability of ordinary English workers, who were taller, better fed, and longer lived than their European contemporaries; possessing the technical skill or competence to implement the technology of the Industrial Revolution. While the expensive English labour thesis predicts that labour should have flowed into England from France, in fact the flow of workers was in the opposite direction, with skilled artisans moving to France, showing that for the skilled mechanics on which early industrialization relied, England was a low wage economy.