
以前、リーマンショック後の財政政策(2009年アメリカ復興・再投資法=ARRA)の大部分が移転支出だった、というジョン・テイラーの指摘を紹介したことがあった(ここここ)。ロバート・ホールは、そうした移転支出を受けた人が支出を増やしたか、というのは非常に難しい問題である、と述べた。長期停滞の研究をエガートソンらと行っていたNeil R. Mehrotraが、その問題に挑戦している。
以下は彼のEquitable Growthワーキングペーパー「Fiscal policy stabilization: Purchases or transfers?」の要旨。

Both government purchases and transfers figure prominently in the use of fiscal policy for counteracting recessions. However, existing representative agent models including the neoclassical and New Keynesian benchmark rule out transfers by assumption. This paper explains the factors that determine the size of fiscal multipliers in a variant of the Curdia and Woodford (2010) model where transfers now matter. I establish an equivalence between deficit-financed fiscal policy and balanced-budget fiscal policy with transfers. Absent wealth effects on labor supply, the transfer multiplier is zero when prices are flexible, and transfers are redundant to monetary policy when prices are sticky. The transfer multiplier is most relevant at the zero lower bound where the size of the multiplier is increasing in the debt elasticity of the credit spread and fiscal policy can influence the duration of a zero lower bound episode. These results are quantitatively unchanged after incorporating wealth effects on labor supply.


What he finds (akin to what other models show) is that fiscal policy in general is most powerful when prices are “sticky,” meaning they don’t change quickly and conventional monetary policy is constrained. Mehrotra’s model shows that the effectiveness of transfer-stimulus programs—think tax breaks—depends on the relationship between household debt and access to credit. The more a decrease in household debt decreases the difference between the rates at which banks borrow and lend to households, the more effective transfer programs are at boosting growth. In other words, if allowing households to pay down debt by giving them government transfers ends up reducing the cost of borrowing, then the result is a bigger boost to economic growth.
This strong relationship between household debt and access to credit means that government transfers boost growth in two ways. The first is that households will spend a larger share of temporary income, which increases the boost in demand in the economy from transfers. The second is that a decline in borrowing costs increases household incomes since households will be spending less to get credit.


*1:cf. ここWP