
について書かれた論文クルーグマン激賞している。論文のタイトルは「Macroeconomic Implications of COVID-19: Can Negative Supply Shocks Cause Demand Shortages?」で、著者はVeronica Guerrieri(シカゴ大)、Guido Lorenzoni(ノースウエスタン大)、Ludwig Straub(ハーバード大)、Iván Werning(MIT)。クルーグマン自身も3月末に同様の点について考察した小論を上げているが、こちらの論文の方がより深く緻密に考察している、としている。


Figure 1 illustrates this logic for two sectors, 1 and 2, where sector 1 gets shocked. In a representative agent setting, agents working in both sectors pool their income and spend it across sectors identically. Here, the difference between inter- and intra-temporal elasticities matters for whether sector 2 is affected by the shock in sector 1. Figure 1(b) shows the knife-edge case where both elasticities are equal and sector 2 is unaffected. Panel (c) then emphasizes that with incomplete markets, even this case causes sector 2 to go into a recession, as sector 1 workers cut back their spending on sector 2. Thus, Figure 1 illustrates how a supply shock in sector 1 can spill over into a demand shortage in sector 2, that is amplified by incomplete markets.


The fact that aggregate demand causes a recession above and beyond the reduction in supply might lead one to think that fiscal policy interventions are powerful in keeping aggregate demand up. We show that this is a false conclusion. First of all, the marginal propensity to consume may be low. Second, and more surprisingly, the standard Keynesian cross logic behind fiscal multipliers is not operational in the recession, there are no second round effects, so the multiplier for government spending is 1 and that for transfers is less than 1. To see this, note that the highest-MPC agents in the economy are the former employees of the shut down sector. They do not benefit from any government spending. They do benefit from direct transfers, but none of their spending will return to them as income. Thus, the typical Keynesian-cross amplification is broken as the highest-MPC agents in the economy do not benefit from spending by households or the government that was induced by fiscal policy.


*1:完全市場の場合について著者の一人はツイッターで「Although demand and work in sector 2 may fall, workers hit in sector 1 still buy stuff from 2, because they are perfectly insured.(部門2の需要と仕事は減るが、ショックを受けた部門1の労働者は依然として部門2から物品を購入する。というのは、彼らには完全な保険があるからである。)」と説明している