というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「The Missing Intercept: A Demand Equivalence Approach」で、著者はChristian K. Wolf(MIT)。以下はその要旨。
I give conditions under which changes in private spending are accommodated in general equilibrium exactly like changes in aggregate fiscal expenditure. Under such demand equivalence, researchers can use time series evidence on fiscal multipliers to recover the general equilibrium "missing intercept" of shocks to private spending identified in the cross section. I apply this method to deficit-financed stimulus checks, and find a) a large direct consumption spending response, and b) a fiscal multiplier of one and so a missing intercept close to zero. I also discuss the robustness of this aggregation approach to empirically plausible violations of demand equivalence.
本稿では、民間支出の変化がマクロの財政支出の変化と全く同様に一般均衡に織り込まれる条件を提示する。そうした需要の等価性の下では、研究者は財政乗数についての時系列の実証結果を用いて、クロスセクションで識別された民間支出へのショックにおける一般均衡の「欠けた切片」を得ることができる。この手法を財政赤字で賄われた給付金に適用し、a) 大きな直接的な消費支出の反応、および、b) 財政乗数が1であり、従って欠けた切片がゼロに近いこと、を見い出した。また、需要の等価性の実証的に説得力のある破綻に対するこのマクロ的なアプローチの頑健性についても論じる。
A large literature in macroeconomics tries to estimate the aggregate effects of shocks to consumption and investment expenditure.1 For most of these demand shifters, the experimental ideal—exogeneity at the macro level—is not attainable. In response, researchers increasingly leverage the cross-sectional variation available in micro data. Appealingly, because micro estimates rely exclusively on cross-sectional information, they do not require macroeconomic identification restrictions. The well-known shortcoming is that micro estimates miss general equilibrium effects that affect all micro units (price changes, labor demand, . . . ), and thus do not give macro counterfactuals—what I call a “missing intercept” problem.