というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Using Macro Counterfactuals to Assess Plausibility: An Illustration using the 2001 Rebate MPCs」で、著者はJacob Orchard(FRB)、Valerie A. Ramey(スタンフォード大)、Johannes Wieland(UCサンディエゴ)。
Macroeconomics has increasingly adopted tools from the applied micro “credibility revolution” to estimate micro parameters that can inform macro questions. In this paper, we argue that researchers should take advantage of this confluence of micro and macro to take the credibility revolution one step further. We argue that researchers should assess the plausibility of the micro estimates and macro models by constructing macro counterfactuals for historical periods and comparing these counterfactuals with reasonable benchmarks. We illustrate this approach by conducting a case study of the 2001 U.S. tax rebates, as well as briefly summarizing two previous applications of the methodology. In the 2001 rebate case, we calibrate a two-good, two-agent New Keynesian model with the leading estimates of the household marginal propensity to consume (MPC) out of the rebates to construct a counterfactual path for nondurable consumption. The counterfactual path implies that without the tax rebate nondurable consumption spending would have fallen dramatically in the late summer and fall of 2001. Using forecasting regressions and other evidence, we argue that this counterfactual is implausible. When we investigate the source of the discrepancy, we find that the leading MPC estimates are not representative of the response of total consumption.
Specifically, we explain the implausible decline of the counterfactual path to be the result of micro estimates that are based on very noisy data. Johnson et al.’s (2006) 6-month cumulative MPC is estimated to be 0.66 based on their categories. However, we have shown that the results are not robust to alternative categorizations, such as those by the BEA. In fact, our estimated 6-month cumulative MPC based on total consumer spending is approximately zero. If we use this estimate to construct the macro counterfactual, the path is approximately equivalent to the path of the actual data, suggesting no discernible stimulative effect of the rebates.
- 所得制限の無かった恒久的な税制変更だった2001年と違い、2008年は中低所得層が対象の一時的な所得移転であった
- 2001年は自動車のMPC推計値が負だったのに対し、2008年は自動車への支出が全体のMPC推計値の大きな割合を占めた
- 2001年は差の差分析の変更について頑健だった一方で消費集計の変更について脆かった半面、2008年は差の差分析の改善に対し脆かった
- 2001年は戻し減税の期間がやや短く、推計値の月ごとのバラツキが2008年よりかなり小さかったので、計量経済学的な問題に2008年ほど敏感ではなかった
- 戻し減税のラグの省略
- 禁断の比較につながる不均一な措置効果
- 戻し減税の受領とラグ付き支出の間の負の相関
後者のARRAへの応用例では、こちらのGabriel Chodorow-Reichの研究を槍玉に挙げ、州の人口ウエイト、および、州や地方政府の支出のクラウドイン効果を考慮せずに全国の乗数効果を推計している、と指摘している。その点を修正すると、歳出10万ドル当たり創出された職・年が2から0.9に低下し、ARRAなかりせばの失業率が15.5%から12.4%に低下するという。