クルーグマンが便乗値上げを否定する論拠についてツイッターで呟き、表題のpdf(原題は「Why Is Price-Gouging Bad?」)にまとめている。以下はそこからの引用。
Suppose, however, that we already have progressive taxes and a safety net — that we have, in effect, made our choice about how much inequality to have — and then disaster strikes. How does this change things?
The answer is that if disasters are followed by a market free-for-all, with suppliers of essential goods selling them at very high prices to those who can afford to pay, the stakes of inequality suddenly become much higher. Those who can’t afford the high prices face extreme privation, even death, while those with sufficient wealth face no more than inconvenience.
Compare this with a regime in which disasters are followed by temporary suspension of free markets, in which essential goods are subject to price controls and rationing, allocated on the basis of need.
If you had to decide between these regimes ex ante, behind the veil of ignorance, which would you choose? The answer, it seems clear, is that you’d choose rules of the game in which profiteering and price-gouging in the aftermath of disaster are prohibited. Yes, there might be some reduction in incentives to supply needed goods, but you really don’t want a society in which low income means death in times of disaster.
In short, even if you believe that the best system for normal times is to let markets rip and soften the impact of inequality with taxes and transfers, it makes sense to temporarily move to price controls and rationing in the face of disaster. Maybe rules against price-gouging hurt economic efficiency in the sense that they reduce the sum of consumer and producer surplus. But economics is about people; and human welfare sometimes requires looking beyond dollars and cents.
事前にどちらかの体制を無知のヴェール*1の下で選ばねばならないとすれば、どちらを選ぶだろうか? 災害後の暴利と便乗値上げが禁止される社会規則を選ぶというのは明らかかと思われる。確かに必要な財を供給するインセンティブは幾ばくか失われるかもしれないが、災害時に低所得が死に直結する社会は忌避するだろう。