
サマーズが母方の伯父であるケネス・アローの追悼記事をWSJに書いている(サマーズのサイトで全文が読める)。その前半部分はEconomist's ViewMarginal Revolutionで紹介されているが、サマーズの父方の伯父であるサミュエルソンがアローのノーベル賞受賞を記念してパーティーを開いた時に、夜も更けたのでそろそろお開きにしたいという周囲の動きに目もくれずに2人で経済学の話題について話し込んでいた、というエピソードを紹介している。その晩サマーズは、彼らの会話を一言も理解できなかったが、アイディアに対する彼らの情熱と、学者の仕事の重要性と刺激を学んだという。

Writing in the early 1950s, he clarified the very specific conditions under which market outcomes were for the best and, of equal importance, the far more general conditions under which public interventions in markets had the potential to make things better.
For the rest of his life, Kenneth explored these conditions, writing articles on topics ranging from health insurance to public investment policy to economic growth to the limits of organizations. It is hard to imagine what economics would be like today without his contributions.
I saw him every Thanksgiving for the past 49 years with the extended family that he loved. In a family of professors, the conversation ranged widely. Save for the NFL, there was no topic—from politics to music, from classics to physics—on which Kenneth was not infinitely curious and apparently omniscient.
Kenneth knew more about everything than most know about anything, but he never flaunted his intelligence. It was another lesson for me when, many years ago, a paper was published correcting a famous analysis published by one of Kenneth’s teachers. At the time, it created a stir. I asked him what he thought. He said quietly that he had known of the error for decades, but such was his respect for his teacher that he did not publish his insight.
Rest in peace, gentle genius.


*2:その場ではさすがにゴシップ話はしなかったのだろうか…。ちなみにA Fine Theoremの追悼エントリの末尾でも彼の博識ぶりを示すエピソードが紹介されている。