
一昨日昨日のエントリではミーゼス研究所のKarl-Friedrich Israelによるティンバーゲンへの批判を紹介したが、その少し前にIsraelは、ティンバーゲンと共に最初のノーベル経済学賞を共同受賞したラグナル・フリッシュを槍玉に挙げている。具体的には、フリッシュのノーベル賞受賞記念講演を引きつつ、以下のように書いている。

He wanted to get away from the arbitrariness of classical qualitative economic analysis, which can draw and defend “any conclusion.”
Yet, a closer look at how he would have set up a formal econometric model for economic planning casts ample doubt on whether his approach would have relieved society of any such alleged arbitrariness. For example, Frisch claimed that a formal quantitative preference function for political decision making could be derived by the expert econometrician through several rounds of interviewing the political authorities in charge, a conclusion that he has reached “not only on theoretical grounds but also because of ... practical experiences.” He explains:

As a simple example of an interview question we may take the following: What would you, politician, choose if you had the choice between two packages of economic results, for instance, one package with, say 3% unemployment and an annual inflation rate of 5%, and another package with, say, 10% unemployment and an inflation rate of 1%.

Using a whole series of these package options, the “expert will be able to build a preference function,” and in the next step, he

will go back to his electronic computer in which he had already entered the data regarding the core of the economy. To this he will now add the formalization of the preferences in the quantitative form as he now sees it. From this will come out a solution, in the form of an optimal development path for the economy. Optimality being defined through the preferences of this party and in the preference formalization which the expert has now reached.

Using a computer the econometrician can crank out a solution for the optimal development path of the economy and the corresponding political measures to be undertaken in order to achieve it.

When the expert comes back to the politicians with his solution, the politicians will perhaps say: “No, this was not really what we wanted. ... We have to change these particular aspects of your solution.”
The expert will understand more or less precisely what sort of changes are needed in the formulation of the preference function in order to produce a solution that comes closer to what the politicians now say they want. This leads to a discussion back and forth. In this way one will work step by step towards a preference formulation such that the politicians can say about the resulting solution: “All right, this is what we would like to see.”

To be fair, Frisch is not claiming that anything goes, but would such an approach really protect society from arbitrary political measures? There is good reason to doubt it.






確かにフリッシュは何でもありと主張しているわけではないが、こうした手法が恣意的な政治手段から社会を本当に守ってくれるのだろうか? それを疑うべき十分な理由がある。


We have nothing except a mysterious, inborn “sense of smell” which as a rule will guide us so that we finally get on the right track. This is precisely the reason why the scientist is to be considered as a logical sovereign in his model world. He is just like a wise, absolute monarch. He knows that this is the only way of ultimately obtaining his ends. He listens to the suggestions of facts but takes care to consider them as non-obligatory.


[W]e engage in this kind of approximation work without knowing exactly what we are trying to approximate. We engage seriously in target shooting without having any target to shoot at.