

It is a very drastic and usually improbable postulate to suppose that all economic forces are of this character, producing independent changes in the phenomenon under investigation which are directly proportional to the changes in themselves; indeed, it is ridiculous.


I have not noticed any passage in which Prof. Tinbergen himself makes any inductive claims whatever. He appears to be solely concerned with statistical description. Yet the ultimate purpose which Mr. Loveday outlines in the preface is surely an inductive one. If the method cannot prove or disprove a qualitative theory, and if it cannot give a quantitative guide to the future, is it worth while? For, assuredly, it is not a very lucid way of describing the past.
ティンバーゲン教授自身が何らかの帰納的な主張をした段落を私は一切見い出さなかった。彼は統計的な描写だけに関心があるように思われる。しかし序文でラブデー氏が概説した最終的な目的は、間違いなく帰納的なものである。もしこの手法が定性的な理論を証明も反証もできず、今後に向けた定量的な指針も提供できないのであれば、それに価値はあるのだろうか? というのは、過去を描写する上でもこれはそれほど冴えた方法では無いことは明らかだからである。

さらにケインズは、ティンバーゲンの手法を論理的に考え抜くと「破壊的な矛盾(devastating inconsistencies)」に行き着く、と主張した上で、以下のような比喩を持ち出している。

It becomes like those puzzles for children where you write down your age, multiply, add this and that, subtract something else, and eventually end up with the number of the Beast in Revelation.

ちなみにここでケインズが槍玉に挙げたのは、ティンバーゲン国際連盟に依頼された研究をまとめた1939年の「景気循環理論の統計的検証(Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theories」*1だが、そこからIsraelはティンバーゲンの以下の言葉を引いている。

The part which the statistician can play in this process of analysis must not be misunderstood. The theories which he submits to examination are handed over to him by the economist, and with the economist the responsibility for them must remain; for no statistical test can prove a theory to be correct.


While classical and Austrian economists would agree that an economic theory cannot be proven correct empirically, they would not as easily let the statistician off the hook. Indeed, the econometrician and statistician have some responsibility for the economic theories that come to be accepted, especially if one holds, as Tinbergen does, that those theories can be proven “incorrect, or at least incomplete, by showing that it does not cover a particular set of facts.”
This is an odd claim, since practically any theory is incomplete, but this does not mean that it is incorrect. Obviously there remains a twofold danger: A wrong theory might not be proven wrong, although it could be done in principle, and a true theory might be “proven wrong” mistakenly, because it is incomplete as it does not account for some particular set of facts. The econometrician would of course be responsible for these errors.
In fact, the application of statistical methods for the falsification of economic theories is not unconditionally justified. Depending on the kind of theory, there are a number of necessary conditions, which are usually not sufficiently recognized, or even deliberately ignored by modern econometricians.

その上で、そうした必要条件の幾つかをケインズが1939年の「The Economic Journal」誌でのレビューで既に挙げていたとして、Isrealは、昨日紹介した5項目をまとめたわけである。

Murray Rothbard once wrote: “There is one good thing about Marx: he was not a Keynesian.” There also seems to be one good thing about Keynes: he was not an econometrician in the modern sense.
