
というNBER論文をエミ・ナカムラ(Emi Nakamura)とJon Steinssonらが書いているungated版)。原題は「The Discounted Euler Equation: A Note」で、著者はAlisdair McKay(ボストン大)、Emi Nakamura(コロンビア大)、Jón Steinsson(同)。

We present a simple model with unemployment risk and borrowing constraints which yields a “discounted Euler equation.” This feature of the model mutes the extent to which news about far future real interest rates (i.e., forward guidance) affects current outcomes. We show that this simple model approximates the outcomes of a rich model with uninsurable income risk and borrowing constraints in response to a forward guidance shock. The model is simple enough to be easily incorporated into standard DSGE models. We illustrate this with an application to the zero lower bound.

  \hat{C}_t = \mathbb{E}_t \hat{C}_{t+1} - \sigma(i_t - \mathbb{E}_t\pi_{t+1} - r_t^n )
  \hat{C}_t = \alpha\mathbb{E}_t \hat{C}_{t+1} - \sigma(i_t - \mathbb{E}_t\pi_{t+1} - r_t^n )

The presence of α < 1 implies that far future interest rate changes have much smaller effects on current consumption than near term interest rate changes.
In this version of the model, the unemployed households are liquidity constrained, while the employed households are not. The presence of α in equation (3) results from the fact that with some probability the currently employed households will be unemployed next period and next period's expected marginal utility is therefore partly determined by the exogenous marginal utility in the unemployed state. For this reason, the currently employed households put some probability on the outcome that they will not benefit from an increase in next period's consumption and therefore do not increase current consumption one-for-one with next period's expected consumption.