
というNBER論文をスヴェンソンが書いている。原題は「Cost-Benefit Analysis of Leaning Against the Wind: Are Costs Larger Also with Less Effective Macroprudential Policy?」(IMF論文版関連VoxEU記事関連ブログエントリ)。

“Leaning against the wind” (LAW) with a higher monetary policy interest rate may have benefits in terms of lower real debt growth and associated lower probability of a financial crisis but has costs in terms of higher unemployment and lower inflation. LAW has a cost if no crisis occurs, but, importantly, it also has an additional cost if a crisis occurs, because the cost of a crisis is higher if the economy initially is weaker due to LAW. This additional cost, disregarded by the previous literature, is the main part of the costs of LAW. With that additional cost, for existing empirical estimates, costs of LAW exceed benefits by a substantial margin, even if monetary policy is non-neutral and permanently affects real debt. Somewhat surprisingly, less effective macroprudential policy, and generally a credit boom, with resulting higher probability, severity, or duration of a crisis, increases costs of LAW more than benefits, thus making costs exceed benefits by an even larger margin.