
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Which Alpha?」で、著者はエモリー大のFrancisco BarillasとJay Shanken。

Many papers in the empirical literature compare the performance of different models in pricing test assets using metrics like the average absolute “alpha” or test results for the zero-alpha restriction. These papers often leave the impression that the model with smaller alphas is preferred. But can we necessarily conclude that the data favor such a model? This question, though clearly one of great interest for asset pricing has not, to our knowledge, been thoroughly analyzed in the traditional timeseries alpha-based framework. Surprisingly, for many important metrics, the answer is no. Simply comparing pricing performance for test assets, while it may provide some useful descriptive information, cannot serve to identify a superior model and can even be misleading in this regard.
Metrics for which this conclusion holds include classic ones like the general statistical criterion
of model likelihood, as well as fundamental asset-pricing measures based on relative factor-portfolio efficiency (Sharpe ratio) or a related notion of distance for stochastic discount factors (HJ distance). In fact, we prove that test assets tell us nothing about model comparison in these cases, beyond what we learn by examining the extent to which each model prices the factors in the other model. This is the main message of our paper. Most of our colleagues have, at first, found this counter-intuitive, as did we. But the logical argument is straightforward once some simple algebraic pricing results are established and it applies to nested as well as non-nested models, the latter being the case in which each model contains factors not included in the other.
多くの実証研究論文は、検証する資産の価格付けについての各モデルのパフォーマンスを、平均「アルファ」の絶対値やゼロアルファ制約下での検証結果といった測定基準を用いて比較する。そうした論文からは、アルファが小さなモデルが望ましい、という印象を受けることが多い。しかしデータがそうしたモデルを選択すると必然的に結論して良いのだろうか? この問題は、資産価格付けにおいて明らかに最も興味深い問題の一つであるにも関わらず、我々の知る限り、アルファの時系列に基づく従来の枠組みにおいて完全な分析が行われてこなかった。驚くべきことに、多くの重要な測定基準について、その答えは否である。検証する資産の価格付けのパフォーマンスを単純に比較することは、幾つかの有用な記述的情報を提供するにせよ、優れたモデルを識別することはできず、その点においてはむしろミスリーディングなものとなり得る。