
というNBER論文をスタンボーらが書いているSSRNでungated版が読める)。原題は「Size and Value in China」で、著者はJianan Liu(ペンシルベニア大)、Robert F. Stambaugh(同)、Yu Yuan(上海交通大学)。

We construct size and value factors in China. The size factor excludes the smallest 30% of firms, which are companies valued significantly as potential shells in reverse mergers that circumvent tight IPO constraints. The value factor is based on the earnings-price ratio, which subsumes the book-to-market ratio in capturing all Chinese value effects. Our three-factor model strongly dominates a model formed by just replicating the Fama and French (1993) procedure in China. Unlike that model, which leaves a 17% annual alpha on the earnings-price factor, our model explains most reported Chinese anomalies, including profitability and volatility anomalies.


For each of ten anomalies, the table reports the monthly long-short return spread's CH-3 alpha and factor loadings. For each anomaly, the regression estimated is
  Rt = α + βMKTMKTt + βSMBSMBt + βVMGVMGt + εt
where Rt is the anomaly's long-short return spread in month t, MKTt is the excess market return, SMBt is CH-3's size factor, and VMGt is the EP-based value factor. In Panel A, for the unconditional sorts, the long leg of an anomaly is the value-weighted portfolio of stocks in the lowest decile of the anomaly measure, and the short leg contains the stocks in the highest decile, where a high value of the measure is associated with lower return. In Panel B, long/short legs are neutralized with respect to size. That is, we first form size deciles by sorting on the previous month's market value. Within each size decile, we then create ten deciles formed by sorting on the anomaly variable. Finally, we form ten value-weighted anomaly portfolios, where each portfolio pools the stocks in a given anomaly decile across the size groups. The remaining steps follow those for the unconditional sort. Our sample period is January 2000 through December 2016. All t-statistics are based on the heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors of White (1980).