
29、30日エントリでは、ロバート・ワルドマンのAngry Bearエントリ経由でマクロモデルに関するデロングとブランシャールの見解を紹介したが、同じエントリでワルドマンは、イェール大学のレイ・フェアの見解にもリンクしている(Economist's Viewもフェアのエントリを紹介している)。

I am one of the few academics who has continued to work with CC models. They were rejected for basically three reasons: they do not assume rational expectations (RE), they are not identified, and the theory behind them is ad hoc. This sounds serious, but I think it is in fact not.

Expectations: The main expectational assumption that CC models make is that expectations are adaptive: they depend on current and past values. It is hard to test this assumption versus the RE assumption, but from the tests I have done and from others I have seen, there is no strong support for the RE assumption. The one case in which the RE assumption seems good is the effect of surprise announcements on asset prices. If, for example, there is a surprise positive payroll announcement, this results in an immediate decrease in long-term bond prices because the market expects that the Fed will tighten more in the future than it expected before the announcement. The effect on stock prices is ambiguous because there might also be a positive effect on expected future dividends. These, however, are very short-run effects, and changes in asset prices can't be modeled anyway because they are largely unpredictable. For dealing with, say, aggregate quarterly data, assuming adaptive expectations does not seem terrible. Keep in mind that the RE assumption is quite extreme in that it requires agents to know a lot.

Identification: Take a typical consumption function where consumption depends on current income and other things. Income is endogenous. In CC models using 2SLS, first stage regressors might include variables like government spending and tax rates, possibly lagged one quarter. Also, lagged endogenous variables might be used like lagged investment. If the error term in the consumption equation is serially correlated, it is easy to get rid of the serial correlation by estimating the serial correlation coefficients along with the structural coefficients in the equation. So assume that the remaining error term is iid. This error term is correlated with current income, but not with the first stage regressors, so consistent estimates can be obtained. This would not work and the equation would not be identified if all the first stage regressors were also explanatory variables in the equation, which is the identification criticism. However, it seems unlikely that all these variables are in the equation. Given that income is in the equation, why would government spending or tax rates or lagged investment also be in? In the CC framework, there are many zero restrictions for each structural equation, and so identification is rarely a problem. Theory rules out many variables per equation.

Theory: I think it is misleading to say that CC models are ad hoc. Theory is used to choose the left hand side and right hand side variables in the stochastic equations. Theory is not used in as restricted a way as it is for DSGE models, but it does guide the specification of the equations. The specifications can be microfounded. Also, regarding Wren-Lewis's observation about macro becoming less empirical, for CC models all the stochastic equations are estimated---usually 2SLS. There is no calibration, and the data are allowed to speak.


消費が現在の所得などに依存する通常の消費関数を考えてみよう。所得は内生的である。2段階最小二乗法を用いたCCモデルでは、第一段階の説明変数には、政府支出や税率などが、おそらくは1四半期のラグを取って、使われるだろう。また、ラグ付きの投資のようなラグ付きの内生変数も使われるかもしれない。消費方程式の誤差項に系列相関があれば、方程式の構造係数と共に系列相関係数を推計して系列相関を取り除くことは容易い。ということで、残った誤差項がiidであると仮定しよう。この誤差項は現在の所得と相関しているが、第一段階の説明変数とは相関していないため、一致推定値が得られる。もし第一段階の説明変数がすべてそのまま方程式の説明変数となるならば、そうはいかず、方程式は識別されないであろう。それが識別批判である。しかし、それらの説明変数すべてが方程式に入るとは考えにくい。所得が方程式に入っている以上、なぜ政府支出や税率やラグ付き投資までもが入っている必要があろうか? CCの枠組みでは、各構造方程式には多くのゼロ制約が掛かっており、従って識別が問題になることは稀である。理論によって方程式ごとに多くの説明変数が除外されている。

こうした旧来の計量経済モデルの擁護としては、以前ここで紹介したJames Morleyのものがある。今回フェアがわざわざブログを開始してこのエントリを起こしたのは、マクロ経済学に関する一連の議論*2の中でポール・ローマーが、1978年のボストン連銀のコンファレンスでフェアが提示した97本のモデルを以下のように批判的に取り上げたためである。

Experts with good intuition and judgment might have been able to use some combination of the simulation model and their own judgment to make reasonable forecasts or to provide reasonable policy advice. But expert judgment is not science. Science requires that intuition and judgment be codified, communicated, and verified by others. Large computer simulation models were useless for this purpose. No one could understand simulation models that were so complicated.
My hunch is that what killed the large models was this mismatch between the model and the mind. To get a sense for the magnitudes, consider this example. At the same conference where Lucas and Sargent presented their paper, Ray Fair presented a paper that described his version of such a model. It covered 23 years of data. It had 97 equations and 188 estimated coefficients. (I don’t know whether he had add-factors and if so whether this count of coefficients included them.)
The problems with identification and parameter instability were real but they were old news. Economists working with these models must soon have realized that they were useless as tools for codifying and communicating insights.


Notably, the approach was never abandoned by working macroeconomists, including those at the Fed and those who sell forecasts to clients who care about forecast accuracy not microfoundations.


*1:CC=Cowles Commission。フェアはエントリの冒頭で「...models in the CC tradition are generally called simulation models or structural econometric models or old fashioned models. Below I will call them CC models.(コールズ委員会の伝統に則ったモデルは、一般にシミュレーションモデルや構造計量経済モデルやオールドファッションモデルと呼ばれている。以下では私はそれらをCCモデルと呼ぶ。)」と注記している。

*2:Paul Romer 1,Paul Romer 2,Brad DeLong,Paul Krugman,Simon Wren-Lewis, and Robert Waldmann