
というブログエントリをブランコ・ミラノヴィッチが書いている(原題は「Did socialism keep capitalism equal?」;H/T Economist's View)。

The socialist story recently received a boost from two papers. Both argue that the demonstration effect of the Soviet Union internationally (or differently, the threat of Communist revolution nationally) produced low inequality in the West. K S Jomo and Vladimir Popov write “an alternative view is…that the reversal of growing inequality followed [happened because of] the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the emergence of the USSR and other socialist countries..”. André Albuquerque Sant’Anna does more: an empirical analysis where the top 1% income share of 18 OECD countries over the period 1960-2010 is explained by the usual variables (financial openness, union density, top marginal tax rate) plus the variable created by Sant’Anna, relative military power. It is equal to military expenditures of a county as a share of USSR/Russian military spending (all annual data) interacted with the distance from Moscow. If, say, your spending is 1/10th of Soviet spending and you are close by (say, in Finland) then the threat of Soviet Union (aka Communism) will be greater, and presumably you would depress the top income share of your capitalists more than if you have the same relative spending but are Portugal. Here is the pooled cross-section and time-series graph from Albuquerque Sant’Anna: relative power of the USSR on the horizontal, top income shares on the vertical axis.
社会主義の話は最近2つの論文から後押しを受けた。両論文ともに、国際的なソ連のデモンストレーション効果(もしくは、それとは別に、国内の共産主義革命の脅威)が西側における不平等を低めた、と論じている。 K S JomoとVladimir Popovは「別の見方では…格差拡大が逆転したのは1917年のロシアにおけるボルシェビキ革命の後であった[それが原因であった]・・・」と書いている。André Albuquerque Sant’Annaはもっと突っ込んだ実証分析を行っており、1960-2010年の期間におけるOECD18ヶ国の上位1%の所得シェアを、通常使われる変数(金融の開放度、組合の組織率、最高限界税率)に加えて、Sant’Annaが作成した変数である相対的軍事力で説明した。それは、一国の軍事支出をソ連/ロシアの軍事支出に対する比率として表したもの(すべて年データ)と、モスクワからの距離とを組み合わせたものである。仮にある国の支出がソ連の支出の1/10で、ソ連の近くにいるならば(例、フィンランド)、ソ連(ないし共産主義)の脅威は大きくなり、おそらく、相対支出が同じでポルトガルである場合よりも、資本家たちの最上位の所得のシェアを抑えるだろう。Albuquerque Sant’Anna論文のクロスセクションおよび時系列をプールしたグラフは以下の通り。ここではソ連の相対力は横軸で、上位の所得シェアが縦軸である。


III.2 –Military power in relation to USSR/Russia
The database Correlates of War provides historical data on military expenditures*1. We use the ratio of military expenditures of Soviet Union/Russia and country i, normalized by distance between Moscow and country’s capital. That is:
   Rel Powerit=(mil expUSSR t/mil expit)(1/distanceMoscow i)
This variable aims to capture the evolution of relative military power and the effect of distance from USSR/Russia. In that sense, for the same ratio of military expenditures, a country like Finland would have a lower relative power than Spain, for example. As robustness check, we also use an alternative measure of military strength based on the relative Composite Index of National Capabilities*2.

*1:[原注]http://www.correlatesofwar.org/. Singer et al (1972) created this database on National Material Capabilities.

*2:[原注]There is also a Composite Index of National Capability (CINC). This is a measure that summarizes observations on each of the 6 capability indicators, which are: military personnel, military expenditures, total population, urban population, iron and steel consumption and primary energy consumption.