
George Selginが、ケイトー研究所のブログで、オーストリア学派からの批判に対しフリードマン擁護している(H/T Mostly Economics)。

Alas, far from being rare, harsh opinions about Friedman are easy to come by among the more uncompromising critics of government intervention in monetary affairs. Ludwig von Mises, another of my monetary economics heroes, may have started the trend when, according to Friedman himself, he stormed out of a debate at the first (1947) Mont Pelerin meeting after calling its other participants, Friedman among them, “socialists.” Some years later, in 1971, Murray Rothbard reached a similar verdict, this time in print, though he substituted “statist” for “socialist.” (That Friedman was more of a statist than Rothbard himself was certainly true. But who, in 1971, wasn’t?) Today more than a few “End the Fed” libertarians still accept Rothbard’s judgement.

Selgin自身も、1988年に以下の自著をFoundation for Economic Education機関誌の「The Freeman」で書評して貰おうと思って送ったところ、当時の理事長のHans Sennholzから、良くもまあフリードマンの考えの幾つかに賛同した一方で「ザ・マスター」(=フォン・ミーゼス)を(穏やかながら)批判した本を送り付ける気になったものだ、と毒を吐かれて、いやでも僕ってフリードマンよりミーゼスの方が好きなんだけどな、と涙目になるという経験をしたとの由。

The Theory of Free Banking: Money Supply Under Competitive Note Issue

The Theory of Free Banking: Money Supply Under Competitive Note Issue


Friedman’s more strident critics also seem unaware of how his monetary ideas changed over time, evolving in a way that fans of either the gold standard and free banking ought to commend. Much of this evolution appears to have taken place during the mid-1980s. In various articles written then, Friedman admitted having erred in treating fiat money as a less expensive alternative to gold. He also renounced his previous defense of central banks’ currency monopolies, conceding that there was in fact no good reason for prohibiting commercial banks from issuing their own paper notes. Instead of recommending a constant growth rate for the money stock, as he had in the past, he switched to arguing for a constant or “frozen” monetary base, which was tantamount to recommending that the Fed’s monetary and discount window operations be altogether shut down. Finally, he publicly declared himself in favor of abolishing the Fed on numerous occasions. Think what you will of Friedman’s later opinions, you will go blue in the face trying to convince me that they are those of a “statist.”
