フリードマンのAEA会長講演が50周年を機に改めて話題になったが(cf. ここ、ここ、ここ)、Review of Keynesian Economicsがその特集号を出すという。ロジャー・ファーマーが同誌に寄稿した小論を自ブログで紹介している。エントリの中でファーマーは、金融政策に対するフリードマンの貢献を称賛しつつも、以下の批判も展開している。
My critique of Friedman is of his insistence on the free market as a self-stabilizing system. The Great Recession is just the latest example of the failure of that idea. Friedman was the greatest monetary economist of his generation. But the natural rate hypothesis, introduced in his 1968 Presidential Address, was a spectacular failure and we are only now digging out of the rubble of the New-Keynesian edifice that was constructed on this concept.
When Friedman introduced the concept of the natural rate of unemployment he defined it to be the equilibrium rate of unemployment that would prevail in an economy with search frictions. Here is Friedman on this point.
The “natural rate of unemployment”, in other words, is the level that would be ground out by the Walrasian system of general equilibrium equations, provided there is imbedded in them the actual structural characteristics of the labor and commodity markets, including market imperfections, stochastic variability in demands and supplies, the cost of gathering information about job vacancies and labor availabilities, the costs of mobility, and so on. (Friedman 1968 page 8. My emphasis.)
The DMP model is an attempt to formalize this paragraph by constructing an explicit model of the labour market that incorporates “the actual structural characteristics of the labor and commodity markets”. That attempt, in my view, is a spectacular failure. It fails because, once one adds a matching technology to the Walrasian model that explains how people meet, the price system is no longer capable of implementing the solution that would be chosen by an omniscient social planner. There is no longer an equivalence between the solution to a social planner’s problem and the outcome achieved by competitive behaviour in markets.
It is a remarkable feature of the formulation of market economies as conceived by Walras, that every equilibrium to the Walrasian system of general equilibrium equations is the solution to some social planning problem. Friedman’s presidential address moves effortlessly between the two concepts of a competitive equilibrium and a social planning optimum. He assumes first, that an equilibrium that incorporates “the actual structural characteristics of the labor and commodity markets” will be unique. And second, he assumes that it will be optimal in the sense of Pareto: There is no intervention by government that can increase the welfare of one person without reducing the welfare of someone else.
In the implementation of Friedman’s concept as it is embodied in the DMP model, both of these assumptions are manifestly false. In the absence of the new assumption, that when a firm meets a worker they bargain over the wage, the search model is under-determined. Once the model is closed by adding a new parameter, the relative bargaining weight of a worker, the equilibrium of the DMP model is no longer coincident with the solution to a social planning problem unless there is a happy coincidence between the bargaining weight of the worker and the characteristics of the matching technology.