
マンキューがリカルド・ライスとともに、50年前のミルトン・フリードマンのAEA会長講演がマクロ経済学思想史において占める意義について論じた表題の小論を書いている(H/T マンキューブログ、原題は「Friedman’s Presidential Address in the Evolution of Macroeconomic Thought」)。以下は、長期と短期、および期待について論じた個所の引用。

Friedman’s focus on the long run and his emphasis on expectations are closely connected. In some macroeconomic models, the long run is the time horizon over which nominal wages and prices can overcome their short-run stickiness, allowing the economy to return to its classical equilibrium. Friedman, instead, viewed the long run as the time horizon over which people become better informed and so their expectations align with reality.
By bringing expectations to the center of the story, Friedman’s address helped to usher in the rational expectations revolution that followed. Influential articles in the 1970s by Lucas (1972), Sargent and Wallace (1975), and Barro (1977) were built on the conceptual foundation that Friedman had put in place. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that Friedman gave no hint that he thought expectations were as rational as these later authors would assume. Indeed, his emphasis on unanticipated inflation, along with his judgment that it took “something like two to five years” (p. 11) for the real effects to dissipate, suggests that he thought expectations were slow to adapt to changes in the policy environment. While it is possible that he had some other propagation mechanism in mind to explain these persistent effects, the address is most naturally read through the lens of old-fashioned adaptive expectations. From a modern perspective, Friedman’s assumption that expectations are sluggish rather than rational seems prescient. As we will discuss shortly, recent research on how people form expectations has moved in this direction.


Modern macroeconomics is further from Friedman’s views regarding what monetary policy cannot, can, and should do. The belief that, in the long run, the central bank can do little about real variables is still canon for most macroeconomists, and few would suggest that monetary policy should have targets for labor force participation, inequality, or the long-term real interest rate. Yet, it is not uncommon today to hear central bankers pontificate in speeches about such issues. Friedman’s example that a speech or article about monetary policy should spend almost as much space on what the central bank cannot do, as it does on what it can do, has eroded over time.
While Friedman favored targeting the growth rate of a monetary aggregate, macroeconomists have for the last two decades instead embraced targets for inflation given to independent central banks (Svensson 2010). ...
Modern macroeconomics also focuses more on the nominal interest rate than on monetary aggregates, both as an instrument for policy and as a guide to the state of the economy. Friedman’s presidential address discussed Knut Wicksell’s concept of a natural rate of interest but dismissed it as a good guide for policy. Today and for many years now, Friedman has lost this argument to Woodford (2003), who convinced academics and central bankers to embrace the Wicksellian use of interest rates as the main policy tool and their deviation from natural rates as the key policy target. The central bank directly controls one interest rate, and the effect of its actions on other interest rates is measured more reliably than the effect on money. Moreover, there is a clear link from interest rates to the price of credit and to the willingness of people to save or borrow. In the FAQ section of its website (at https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/money_12845.htm), the Federal Reserve unequivocally states that “the importance of the money supply as a guide for the conduct of monetary policy in the United States has diminished over time.”