
即ち、サマーズはトランプ政権の税制改革案に全般的には賛成、とのことだが、これはもちろんサマーズの意図に真っ向から反する。この論説のタイトルは「What I do support in a new tax plan」であり、一般的に新しい税制改革案を考えるとすればどのようなものを支持するか、ということを論じている。トランプ税制改革案を論じるのであれば不定冠詞を付けた「a new tax plan」とはならない。また、本文でも以下のように書いている。

I strongly support tax reform in general and especially corporate tax reform on the model of the highly successful bipartisan 1986 tax reform, which achieved very large rate reductions, spurred economic growth and improved the efficiency of the economy while being revenue and distribution neutral.

即ち、「in general」を付けて一般論的な話であることを断った上で、特に支持する税制改革として「1986 tax reform」を挙げている。
サマーズのこれまでの議論を追っていれば、トランプ税制改革案はその1986年のモデルに反するからこそ彼が厳しく批判していることは明らかである。例えば「米国の税制案はその名に値しない(America’s tax plan is not worth its name)」と題した8日の論説でサマーズは、以下のように書いている。

The US administration’s tax plan is not a plan. It is a mélange of ideas put forth without precision or arithmetic. It is not clear enough to permit the kind of careful quantitative analysis of budget costs, economic impacts and distributional implications that precedes legislation in a serious country. It is clear enough to demonstrate that the claims of Steven Mnuchin, Treasury secretary, Gary Cohn, director of the National Economic Council, and Kevin Hassett, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, are some combination of ignorant, disingenuous and dishonest.
I have strong disagreements on tax policy with Republican economists like Greg Mankiw, Glenn Hubbard and Martin Feldstein and with Treasury alumni like Nick Brady, John Snow and Hank Paulson. Nothing I have ever heard or read from them seems absurd or dishonest in the way that almost everything coming out of this administration has that character.
We know enough to know that a tax reform plan along the lines of the administration’s sketch will not substantially increase growth, will blow out the budget deficit and will make America an even more unequal place.
The administration pushes the idea that cutting the corporate tax rate will spur investment. It is certainly possible that with a lower rate, accountants will locate more corporate income in the US but a big spur to investment seems very unlikely. With long-term interest rates well below 2 per cent, the stock market sky high and business able to write off investments immediately, capital costs have never been lower.
The administration pushes the idea that cutting the corporate tax rate will spur investment. It is certainly possible that with a lower rate, accountants will locate more corporate income in the US but a big spur to investment seems very unlikely. With long-term interest rates well below 2 per cent, the stock market sky high and business able to write off investments immediately, capital costs have never been lower.
True, there is much cash parked outside the US. But almost all the companies with large cash holdings outside the US also have cash hoards in the US that they choose not to invest. The first order impact of a “territorial system” that renounces a US tax claim to corporations’ overseas income will be to encourage the relocation of productive activity from America to tax-haven jurisdictions, and so to slow US growth.