

There is, in my view, a fifth—and a much more likely—possibility: the low-pressure economy.
The first misstep Noah takes is in saying that 100% of national income is divided between "labor" and "capital". It is not. Entrepreneurship, risk-bearing, innovation, monopoly rents, and other factors are rolled into the non-labor share as well. It's not the labor share and the capital share. It's the labor share and everything else.
Noah Smith's quadriad of "China, robots, monopolies, and landlords" is needed only if you have a strong belief that there is one unique macroeconomic equilibrium point about which the business cycle fluctuates and to which the economy returns rapidly after a business-cycle shock creates a high- or a low-pressure economy. It is certainly convenient for economic model builders to believe in such a tendency for a rapid return to a unique macroeconomic equilibrium.
But where in the real world is there any evidence that there is in fact such a thing?
IMHO, the low-pressure economy is the leading horse in the race to understand why the labor share today is lower than it was in the late 1960s or the late 1990s. Yet Noah Smith does not even see it as in the race...
ノアの第一の誤りは、国民所得の100%が「労働」と「資本」に分けられる、としたことにある。そうではない。起業、リスク負担、イノベーション、独占のレントといったものも非労働分配率に入り込む。労働分配率 対 資本分配率ではなく、労働分配率 対 非労働分配率なのだ。
