
3日エントリで紹介したゴードンの研究にサマーズも反応し、表題の論説を書いている(原題は「Bold Reform is the Only Answer to Secular Stagnation」;本石町日記さんツイート経由のEconomist's View経由)。

The economy continues to operate way below any estimate of its potential made before the onset of financial crisis in 2007...

Almost a year ago I invoked the concept of secular stagnation in response to the observation that five years after financial haemorrhaging had been staunched, the business cycle was cycling back to what had been previously thought of as normal levels of output.

Secular stagnation in my version, like that of Alvin Hansen, the economist who coined the term in the 1930s, has emphasised the difficulty of maintaining sufficient demand to permit normal levels of output.

...it seems unlikely that the American economy is capable of demanding 10 per cent more output than it does now, at interest rates consistent with financial stability. So demand-side secular stagnation remains an important economic problem.

But, as the work of Robert J Gordon has shown, there may now be supply-side barriers that threaten to hold back the economy before constraints on the ability to create demand start to bind.



Why has the economy’s supply potential declined so much relative to the pre-2007 trend? This will be debated in the years to come. Part of the answer lies in the damaging effect of past economic weakness on future potential. Part is the brutal demographics of an ageing population, the end of the trend towards increased women’s labour force participation, and the exhaustion of the gains from an increasingly educated workforce. And part is the apparent slowing of at least measured productivity.
To achieve growth of even 2 per cent over the next decade, active support for demand will be necessary but not sufficient. Structural reform is essential to increase the productivity of both workers and capital, and to increase growth in the number of people able and willing to work productively. Infrastructure investment, immigration reform, policies to promote family-friendly work, support for exploitation of energy resources, and business tax reform become ever more important policy imperatives.
なぜ2007年以前のトレンドに比べて経済の潜在供給力がこれほどまで低下したのか? それは今後議論されるテーマとなろう。答えの一つは、過去の経済の弱さが将来の潜在力に与える損失効果である。別の答えは、人口の高齢化、女性の労働力参加率の上昇傾向の終焉、より高い教育を受けた労働力がもたらす利得の枯渇、という無慈悲な人口動態である。少なくとも測定された生産性は明らかに鈍化している、というのももう一つの答えである。