
以下は、20日エントリで触れたStefan Homburg(ライプニッツ大学)の論文「Overaccumulation, Public Debt, and the Importance of Land」の結論部。

This paper has analyzed the overaccumulation issue theoretically and empirically. From both perspectives, the assertion that mature economies accumulate too much capital appears ill-conceived. The argument proceeded in four successive steps: First, overaccumulation is impossible in an economy with land. Second, bearing in mind that land values ​​are of the same order of magnitude as capital stocks, an economy with land is not a theoretical curiosity but the reality in which we live. Third, regarding overaccumulation, only the risky interest rates matter because these are unbiased measures of expected output losses. The "zero lower bound" chitchat confounds risky interest rates with safe rates that are relevant for monetary policy but have nothing to do with real investment decisions. Fourth, the risky rates exceed the growth rates consistently in all cases studied, which is a strong indication of dynamic efficiency. Thus the main conclusion reads that public deficits do not represent a free lunch but merely shift burdens into the future.
A final remark pertains to the Janus-faced nature of land: The arbitrage condition (5) relates interest rates and current land prices to expected future land prices, and recent experience from Asia, the US, Spain, and Ireland tells that such expectations can go seriously astray at times. Looked at in this way, land is both a long-run stabilizer and a short-run destabilizer of economic development.


なお、20日エントリではChangyong Rhee論文にも言及したが、そのWPはここで読める。実はこの論文でも、土地のある経済の動学的効率性についてHomburgとほぼ同じ証明を行っている。ただ、コブ=ダグラス生産関数以外では土地の所得に占める比率が正とは限らないため、動学的非効率性の可能性は否定できない、とHomburgとは逆の結論を導き出している。