
「A Model of Secular Stagnation: Theory and Quantitative Evaluation」というNBER論文をエガートソンらが上げている(H/T Economist's Viewungated版)。以前紹介した「A Model of Secular Stagnation」という論文の改訂版かと思われ、著者はGauti B. Eggertsson、Neil R. Mehrotraのほか、Jacob Robbinsが加わっている(いずれもブラウン大、ただしMehrotraはミネアポリス連銀の客員研究員も務めている)。

This paper formalizes and quantifies the secular stagnation hypothesis, defined as a persistently low or negative natural rate of interest leading to a chronically binding zero lower bound (ZLB). Output-inflation dynamics and policy prescriptions are fundamentally different than in the standard New Keynesian framework. Using a 56-period quantitative lifecycle model, a standard calibration to US data delivers a natural rate ranging from -1% to -2%, implying an elevated risk of ZLB episodes for the foreseeable future. We decompose the contribution of demographic and technological factors to the decline in interest rates since 1970 and quantify changes required to restore higher rates.


操作変数 2015年の値 反実仮想の値
出生率 1.88 3.28
政府債務(対GDP%) 118% 215%
生産性成長率 0.65% 2.43%
投資財の相対価格 1.00 2.43
