
について分析したNBER論文ungated版)NEP-DGEブログで紹介されている*1。論文のタイトルは「Can Intangible Capital Explain Cyclical Movements in the Labor Wedge?」で、著者はシカゴ連銀のFrancois Gourioとボストン大のLeena Rudanko。

Intangible capital is an important factor of production in modern economies that is generally neglected in business cycle analyses. We demonstrate that intangible capital can have a substantial impact on business cycle dynamics, especially if the intangible is complementary with production capacity. We focus on customer capital: the capital embodied in the relationships a firm has with its customers. Introducing customer capital into a standard real business cycle model generates a volatile and countercyclical labor wedge, due to a mismeasured marginal product of labor. We also provide new evidence on cyclical variation in selling effort to discipline the exercise.

*1:unrepresentative agentさんも少し前にその概要を紹介している

*2:cf. ここ