
という研究結果を日本の某銀行の住宅ローン申請処理の進捗具合のデータ分析から得たハーバード大などの学者の論文が、The Journal of applied psychologyで電子出版されているWP)(H/T UDADISI)。論文のタイトルは「Rainmakers: Why Bad Weather Means Good Productivity」で、著者はJooa Julia Lee(ハーバード・ケネディ・スクール)、Francesca Gino(ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール)、Bradley R. Staats(ノースカロライナ大チャペルヒル校)。

People believe that weather conditions influence their everyday work life, but to date, little is known about how weather affects individual productivity. Most people believe that bad weather conditions reduce productivity. In this research, we predict and find just the opposite. Drawing on cognitive psychology research, we propose that bad weather increases individual productivity by eliminating potential cognitive distractions resulting from good weather. When the weather is bad, individuals may focus more on their work rather than thinking about activities they could engage in outside of work. We tested our hypotheses using both field and lab data. First, we use field data on employees’ productivity from a mid-size bank in Japan, which we then match with daily weather data to investigate the effect of bad weather conditions (in terms of precipitation, visibility, and temperature) on productivity. Second, we use a laboratory experiment to examine the psychological mechanism explaining the relationship between bad weather and increased productivity. Our findings support our proposed model and suggest that worker productivity is higher on bad rather than good weather days. We discuss the implications of our findings for workers and managers.

一昨年にはこの研究の解説記事がWorking Knowledgeに掲載され、昨年初めにForbesに転載されている