
というIMF論文が出ている。原題は「Debt and Growth: Is There a Magic Threshold?」で、著者は同基金のAndrea Pescatori、Damiano Sandri、John Simon(H/T 中村亨さんツイートEconomist's View)。論文の元の研究は、当時Conversable Economist官庁エコノミストさんのブログで取り上げられた2012年のIMFのWorld Economic Outlook(WEO)第3章との由。

Is there a particular threshold in the level government debt above which the medium-term growth prospects are dramatically compromised? The answer to this question is of critical importance given the historically high level of public debt in most advanced economies. Yet there is currently no agreement on the answer and it is the subject of heated academic and political debate. One camp has argued that high levels of debt are associated with particularly large negative effects on growth. For example, an influential series of papers by Reinhart and Rogoff (2010, 2012) argues that there is a threshold effect whereby debt above 90 percent of GDP is associated with dramatically worse growth outcomes. An opposing perspective is advanced by those who dispute the notion that there is a clear debt threshold above which debt sharply reduces growth and raise endogeneity concerns whereby weak growth is the cause of particularly high levels of debt. Thus, according to this view, the priority should be increasing growth rather than reducing debt and, consequently, that much less short-term fiscal austerity is appropriate.
This paper makes a contribution to the debate by presenting new empirical evidence based on a different way of analyzing the data and a sizeable dataset. Our methodology is based on the analysis of the relation between debt and growth over longer periods of time that has the potential to attenuate the concerns of reverse causality from growth to debt. Our results do not identify any clear debt threshold above which medium-term growth prospects are dramatically compromised. On the contrary, the association between debt and medium-term growth becomes rather weak at high levels of debt, especially when controlling for the average growth performance of country peers.
We also find evidence that the debt trajectory can be just as important, and possibly more important, than the level of debt in understanding future growth prospects. Indeed, countries with high but declining levels of debt have historically grown just as fast as their peers. We also find, however, that high levels of debt are weakly associated with higher output volatility. This suggests that high levels of debt may still be associated with market pressure or fiscal and monetary policy actions that, even if they do not have particularly large negative effects on medium-term growth, destabilize it.
As with previous empirical studies, however, caution should be used in the interpretation of our empirical results. While our methodology may attenuate problems of reverse causality from growth to debt, our methodology is still unable to formally establish a firm causality.
それを超えると中期的な成長見込みが劇的に低下するような政府債務水準の閾値というものは存在するのか? この問いへの回答は、大部分の先進国経済で公的債務が歴史的に高い水準に達していることに鑑みると、極めて重要性を帯びている。しかし今のところその回答に関して意見の一致は見られず、学術的および政治的に熱を帯びた論争テーマになっている。一方の陣営は、高水準の債務は成長に特に大きなマイナスの影響をもたらす、と主張する。例えば、ラインハートとロゴフの影響力の大きい一連の論文(2010、2012)は、GDPの90パーセントを超えると成長が著しく悪化する閾値効果が存在する、と論じた。これに反対する見解を提起している人々は、それを超えると成長が急激に低下する明確な債務の閾値が存在する、という考え方に異を唱えている。彼らは低成長が債務が特に高水準になる原因ではないか、として内生性に関する疑念を提起した。即ち、こちらの見解によれば、優先順位は債務の削減よりも成長を高めることにあり、従って、短期的には財政緊縮策をかなり緩めることが望ましい。