

The more interesting question is whether this has turned out to be a Faustian pact between macroeconomics and microfoundations ex post. To be more precise, by putting all our macroeconomic model building eggs in one microfounded basket, have we significantly slowed down the pace at which macroeconomists can say something helpful about the rapidly changing real world? That is a question I have written a lot about (e.g. here, and here) and no doubt will write more, but the key point I want to make now is this. If there was a Faustian bargain, I think we should acknowledge that most Keynesian economists agreed to it for good reasons, and that they were not forced into it by others.
より興味深い質問は、このことが事後的にマクロ経済学とミクロ的基礎付けのファウスト契約になっていたか、という点である。もっと正確に表現するならば、マクロ経済学モデル構築の卵をすべてミクロ的基礎付けという一つの籠に入れたことにより、急速に変化する現実世界に追随してマクロ経済学者が何か有益なことを言うスピードを顕著に鈍化させたのだろうか? この問題について私はこれまであれこれ書いており(例えばここここ)、疑いなく今後も書き続けるつもりだが、今回特に言いたいことは次の点だ。もしファウスト契約が存在したならば、大抵のケインジアン経済学者は然るべき理由があってそれに同意したのであり、他者によって強要されたわけではない、ということを我々は認めるべきだ。


But I think we need to be careful about defining what, exactly, the bargain was. I would agree that being willing to use models with hyperrational, forward-looking agents was a natural step even for Keynesians. The Faustian bargain, however, was the willingness to accept the proposition that only models that were microfounded in that particular sense would be considered acceptable. It’s one thing to accept that models with an Euler condition at their core can sometimes be useful; it’s quite different to restrict your discourse to models with that characteristic, while ruling out everything else.

Economist's ViewのMark Thomaは、このエントリを紹介した後、モデルは用途に応じて使い分けるべし、という持説を展開している

一方、Chris HouseStephen Williamsonはこのクルーグマンのエントリに反発した。ただ、その反発の対象はモデルの多様性が失われた云々という主旨そのものではなく、その例証としてクルーグマンが挙げた、トービンが大学院の教育課程から消えた、という記述に向けられている。Houseは、トービンのQは依然として大学院で教えられていると指摘した。Williamsonは、トービンの考えは他の学者によってもっと深化したために消えたのだ、と論じ、高速をフェラーリで走れるようになったのにゴルフカートで走る必要があろうか、というある友人の比喩を引用している。


It seems that Paul Krugman wants to revise the history of the field a bit. Reading his post it almost seems like he wants us to believe that the Keynesians would have figured out financial market failures if they hadn’t been led astray by microfoundations and rational expectations. This is not true. The main thing New Keynesian research has been devoted to for the past 20 years is an exhaustive study of price rigidity. If anything was holding us back it was the extraordinary devotion of our energy and attention to the study of nominal rigidities. We now know more about the details of price setting than any other field in economics. As financial markets were melting down in 2008, many of us were regretting that allocation of our attention. We really needed a more refined empirical and theoretical understanding of how financial markets did or did not work.


Like it or not, DSGE models are here to stay. I made the following argument in the First Edition of The Macroeconomics of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in 1993.

In this book I take a point of view that is becoming less controversial but is by no means universally accepted. I will argue that the future of macroeconomics is as a branch of applied general equilibrium theory.

Believe it or not; twenty one years ago, that was a controversial statement. I argued then that the problem with DSGE models is not the assumption that the economy is in equilibrium. The problem with DSGE models is the implication of some of these models that the equilibrium is optimal. Since then, I have consistently argued that the way forward is to reformulate Keynesian ideas with modern mathematics; that is what the DSGE agenda is all about.
好むと好まざるとに関わらず、DSGEモデルは存在し続ける。私は1993年の「Macroeconomics of Self-fulfilling Prophecies (The MIT Press)」第一版で次のように論じた。




Some in the blogging community hearken for the days when an economist could slap together a verbal argument and publish the result in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Paul Krugman for example, wants his…

ad hockery back — not as an exclusive approach, but as a permissible one. And that’s not a small thing, given the almost total exclusion of middlebrow modeling from academic macro for the past three decades.

The use of ‘ad hockery’ has not been acceptable in economics for quite a while. And for good reason. As Marshall argued in his 1906 letter to Bowley, mathematics is a language; nothing more. I drew attention to Marshall’s instructions in an earlier post but they are worth repeating;
1.Use mathematics as shorthand language, rather than as an engine of inquiry.
2.Keep to them till you have done.
3.Translate into English.
4.Then illustrate by examples that are important in real life.
5.Burn the mathematics.
6.If you can’t succeed in 4, burn 3. This I do often
Bloggers and researchers have each ignored Marshall’s dictum; but in different ways. Ph.D. economists have published a huge amount of mathematical junk that bears little or no relevance to any real world problem.1 Some, but not all, economic bloggers have ignored the call to check the logic with mathematics before writing down a verbal argument.
The research community ignored points (3) and (4). Paul would have us ignore points (1) and (2) and that is at least as bad.
The IS-LM model is static. It cannot explain inflation and it has no well developed theory of expectations. DSGE models are a huge methodological advance that gives us logical tools to integrate all of these pieces. There is simply no substitute for the use of mathematics to make sure that an argument hangs together.
ブログ界の中には、経済学者が言葉による議論をそそくさと組み立ててその結果をQuarterly Journal of Economicsに掲載できた時代を懐かしむ者もいる。例えばクルーグマンは、次のように願っている…



  1. 数学を追究の原動力ではなく、速記的な言語として用いよ。
  2. それが完了するまで、そこから離れるな。
  3. 英語に翻訳せよ。
  4. 実生活で重要な事例でそれを描写せよ。
  5. 数学は焼き捨てよ。
  6. 第4項がうまくいかなければ、第3項を焼き捨てよ。それを私は良くやる。


このファーマーのエントリにはAndy Harlessやジョン・クイギンやバークレー・ロッサーがコメントし、ファーマーはDSGEを少し広義に捉えすぎているのではないか、と指摘している(Harlessはまた、ファーマーのクルーグマンへの見方は当たっていない、とも指摘している*3)。それに対しファーマーは、そちらこそDSGEを狭義に捉えすぎているのだ、と反論するとともに、本ブログで以前ここで紹介した自論文を持ち出し、期待で補強されたフィリップス曲線――Harlessやクイギンがニューケインジアンの特長として言及した――を攻撃している。

*1:日本的に表現するならば、DSGEは、隠れキリシタン江戸幕府支配下で秘かに信仰を存続させるために作った仏像を模した聖像だったのか、という問い掛けになろうか(後述のStephen Williamsonのエントリの冒頭の風刺的な描写はある意味そちらの表現に近い)。

*2:原注:Don’t get me wrong; mathematics for mathematics sake does play a role in economics journals. Sometimes, the real world examples come later. A good example of this process is Lloyd Shapley’s work on stable matches that was used by Al Roth to create markets for kidney exchanges. But the best and most enduring economics papers use the mathematics to explain real world phenomena.

I hope you think that I am an acceptable writer, but when it comes to economics I speak English as a second language: I think in equations and diagrams, then translate.