Any economics course that doesn't teach its students some history of the discipline or some behavioural economics is both a lousy education and a poor preparation to be a practicing economist. One of my old bosses in investment banking used to say that the most depressing phrase in the English language was "I'm a trained economist" - the point being that economists should be educated, not trained.
...sometimes, the difference between the classics and modern economists is not that the latter are right and the former wrong, but rather that they address different questions. Ricardo didn't much care about year-to-year fluctuations in GDP but did worry a lot about the determinants of the distribution of income. Many economists today have the opposite priorities. This, though, means their abilities to address Ricardian and Marxian issues have ossified. If you read Greg Mankiw's defence (pdf) of the 1%, you'll not get the impression that today's economists have a much better understanding of the distribution of income than Ricardo or Marx did.
In fact, in one sense economists are only now rediscovering what the classics knew. All of them, from Smith with his invisible hand through to Marx, were concerned with the question of how some kind of order emerged from what looked like a chaotic process of millions of people exchanging millions of goods. To Smith, this order was benign, to Marx less so. But both agreed on rthe importance of the question: how does order emerge from millions of individual decisions? Neither thought that a "Robinson Crusoe economy" made sense. It is only quite recently, with the growth of interest in markets as emergent evolutionary (pdf) ecosystems (pdf) that this issue has returned to the forefront of economics.
What's more, even when the classics are wrong, knowing why can sharpen our understanding. For example, everyone from Malthus to Marx expected the economy to converge to a state of zero growth. This view has been wrong (so far!) because technical progress has won the race against diminishing returns. But this should force us to ask about the determinants of such technical progress; why is this more powerful than the classics thought? It is only quite recently - with the emergence of endogenous growth theories - that economists have progressed from Malthus; the old neoclassical growth models merely assumed technical progress which is no explanation at all of the classics' failure.
しかも、古典派経済学が間違っている時でさえ、その理由を知ることにより我々の理解を深めることができる。例えば、マルサスからマルクスに至るまですべての古典派経済学者が、経済がゼロ成長の状態に収束すると考えていた。この考えは(これまでのところ!)間違っていたが、それは技術進歩が収穫逓減に対する競争に勝ってきたからである。だが、そのことは、そうした技術進歩の決定要因について探究することを余儀無くさせるべき話である。なぜ古典派の考えていたより技術進歩は強力だったのか? 経済学者がマルサスより進歩したのは、内生的成長理論が登場したつい最近のことである。かつての新古典派成長モデルは技術進歩を単に前提しただけであり、古典派の失敗の説明にはまるでなっていなかった。