ヘンリー・ファレル(Henry Farrell)とジョン・クイギン(John Quiggin)が「Consensus, Dissensus, and Economic Ideas: Economic Crisis and the Rise and Fall of Keynesianism」という論文を書いている(Economist's View経由のCrooked Timber経由)。
When economists appear to share a consensus on a given topic, then policymakers whose policies are in line with the consensus will enjoy an advantage over those whose policy positions contradict it. The former can use the consensus to increase the costs of dissidence for the latter. However, because the internal prestige structures of economics favor economists who have perceived policy influence, disadvantaged policymakers have reason and opportunity to destabilize professional consensus by elevating dissident economists in policy discussion.
This explains why economists and policy actors had reason to work together in the first place. The advent of theGreat Recession damaged the prestige of a dominant clique of economists that had assumed that the “Great Moderation” of smooth economic policymaking and growth would continue indefinitely, providing opportunities for previously marginalized macro-economists who advocated a Keynesian perspective to press the case for Keynesian ideas and policies. A new apparent consensus emerged among economists, in which Keynesian approaches predominated, giving greater license to policymakers in the United States and elsewhere who advocated fiscal stimulus.
It also explains why the politics of economic policy shifted so dramatically in the later stages of the crisis. When policymakers dislike an expert consensus, they have good reason and tools to try to destabilize it. The combination of Greece’s debt crisis and the perceived need to shift toward a more “normal” set of policy prescriptions helped policymakers in Germany and the European Central Bank to boost the prestige of economists who were hostile to Keynesian prescriptions. This made it easier for policymakers to deviate from demand stimulus policies without suffering censure from an apparently unified economics profession.
論文を昨年6月に掲載したInternational Studies Quarterlyは、この論文に関するオンラインシンポジウムを開いた(それを機に論文も無料で読めるようになっている)。そこにクルーグマンも寄稿し、ファレルとクイギンが説明するような政策責任者と経済学者の相互作用は確かに本当のように思われる(I can vouch that Farrell and Quiggin’s description of the interactions between policymakers and economists rings true)、と書いている。