
アイケングリーンがミルケン研究所の発行するMilken Institute Reviewの最新号で「Japan rising? Shinzo Abe’s Excellent Adventure」と題した小論を寄稿し*1、日本の経済政策の現状と課題について書いている(H/T Economist's View)。

Structural reform is undoubtedly the hardest of the three arrows to launch. Abe could reorient monetary policy simply by appointing his people to the Bank of Japan’s board. Likewise, he assembled support for a fiscal stimulus by distributing the benefits like a lord of the manor distributing Christmas turkeys. But with structural reform, the opposition is fierce because the potential losers are very well organized.


Beyond this political argument for comprehensive change, there is also an economic argument. Masahiro Aoki, the leading Japanese theorist in organizational economics, has observed that in a complex interconnected system like the Japanese economy, changing one component without also changing the others can worsen overall performance, just as improving a car’s engine and transmission without changing its suspension can make for a rougher ride.
総括的な変革をすべきという点については、以上の政治的な議論のほか、経済的な議論もある。組織の経済学の第一人者である日本の理論家Masahiro Aoki*2は、日本経済のような複雑に絡み合ったシステムでは、他の要素を変えることなくある要素を変えることは、全体のパフォーマンスを悪くしかねない、それはちょうど車のサスペンションを変えることなくエンジンとトランスミッションを変えると乗り心地が悪くなるようなものだ、と述べた。


Like Hidetora, Abe is asserting that his three arrows will work where one would not. Measures to stimulate demand won’t do much without corresponding measures to free up supply. But, in the same spirit, difficult restructuring will be far easier to swallow when combined with fiscal and monetary measures to boost spending. And meaningful commitment to pro-growth policies alike will be needed to climb out of the crisis of confidence dogging Japan.
Will Abe’s wings melt because he is flying close to the sun? Maybe. But mixed metaphors aside, one can’t fault his vision of a Japan roused from its torpor or his determination to achieve what the last ten governments have only dreamed about.
太陽に近付き過ぎて安倍の翼は溶けてしまうだろうか? その可能性はある。しかし、混喩はともかくとして、眠りから覚めた日本という彼のビジョンや、過去の10の政権が夢見ることしかできなかったことを成し遂げようという彼の決意を責めることはできまい。


*1:「Excellent Adventure」でぐぐるこの映画が引っ掛かるので、多分それがタイトルの元ネタ。

*2:Masahikoのtypo? 青木昌彦氏のことか?
