

OK, one more shock: the assassination of Japan's former Prime Minister Abe. I have zero to say about what might lie behind it and what it means. But I can talk about my meeting with Abe in 2016; he was a complicated and interesting leader, not easy to characterize 1/
As many have noted, he was an apologist for Japan's war crimes — not forgivable — and something of a militarist, or at least an advocate of a Japan once again willing to use force. Nothing good to say about that 2/
He was also, however, an innovative economic leader, willing to break with fiscal and monetary orthodoxy in an attempt to break Japanese deflation. And unorthodox in surprising other ways too 3/
So I met him in 2016, to argue against raising the value-added tax, which could derail Japan's economic progress. As in other cases in my life, I was pretty clearly a stalking horse, a foreign expert brought in to add credibility to a domestic policy faction. Which is OK! 4/
Having done this sort of thing before, I knew the drill. I had an hour. 5-10 minutes of pleasantries; maybe 20-25 minutes on the substance (the phrase "achieving escape velocity" seemed to resonate with him.) But how to use the rest of the time? 5/
I decided to spend some time arguing that given its demographics, Japan really needed to make better use of its women. But I never got to raise that argument, because he brought it up first. Whatever you say about him, Abe was not a simple social conservative 6/
And it's a little known fact that in terms of sheer labor force participation, Japan has pulled far ahead of the US, although women are still largely restricted to lower-paid jobs 7/
The other thing that happened on that trip was that I spent an extra few days there, and had a friend of a friend — a Japanese woman — show me some of Tokyo's vibrant cultural scene, the stuff most Westerners never see (or see without knowing what they're looking at) 8/
There's a caricature of Japan as a stagnant society. Aging, yes — but stagnant not at all. In fact remarkably dynamic in many ways. Writing them off as the future that never happened is all wrong. As others like @Noahpinion can tell you, we could learn a lot from Japan 9/
Anyway, no idea what this tragedy means. But don't write it off as irrelevant. Japan still matters 10/


*1:cf. ここ