
クルーグマンが10日前の訪日時に表題のNYT論説記事(原題は「Japan's Economy, Crippled by Caution」)を書いている。そこで彼は、訪日外国人は日本が深刻な不況下にあるように見えないことに驚くが、それは実際に深刻な不況下には無いからだ、としつつも、日本経済が継続的なデフレという罠に嵌っていることを指摘している。クルーグマンは、デフレからの脱却という点について安倍晋三首相は実際に努力してきた(has been making a real effort)、と評価しているが、決定的な成功を収めるには至っていない(he has yet to achieve decisive success)、とも書いている。その政策努力として日本のみならず欧米でも試みられている量的緩和について説明した後でクルーグマンは、これまでの量的緩和のやり方は十分ではない、として以下のように述べている。

What's remarkable about this record of dubious achievement is that there actually is a surefire way to fight deflation: When you print money, don't use it to buy assets; use it to buy stuff. That is, run budget deficits paid for with the printing press.
Deficit finance can be laundered, if you like, by issuing new debt while the central bank buys up old debt; in economic terms it makes no difference.
But nobody is doing the obvious thing. Instead, all around the advanced world governments are engaged in fiscal austerity, dragging their economies down, even as their central banks are trying to pump them up. Mr. Abe has been less conventional than most, but even he set his program back with an ill-advised tax increase.
Why? Part of the answer is that demands for austerity serve a political agenda, with panic over the alleged risks of deficits providing an excuse for cuts in social spending. But the biggest reason it's so hard to fight deflation, I contend, is the curse of conventionality.
After all, printing money to pay for stuff sounds irresponsible, because in normal times it is. And no matter how many times some of us try to explain that these are not normal times, that in a depressed, deflationary economy conventional fiscal prudence is dangerous folly, very few policy makers are willing to stick their necks out and break with convention.
The result is that seven years after the financial crisis, policy is still crippled by caution. Respectability is killing the world economy.
何故か? 答えの一つは、緊縮策の要求がある政治目的に叶う、ということである。財政赤字のリスクなるものを巡るパニックは、社会的支出の削減の言い訳を提供する。しかし、デフレと闘うのがこれほど困難な最大の理由は、慣習の呪いにあるのだ、と私は言いたい。