
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Industrial Robots, Workers' Safety, and Health」で、著者はRania Gihleb(ピッツバーグ大)、Osea Giuntella(同)、Luca Stella(ベルリン自由大学)、Tianyi Wang(プリンストン大)。

This study explores the relationship between the adoption of industrial robots and workplace injuries. Using establishment-level data on injuries, we find that a one standard deviation increase in our commuting zone-level measure of robot exposure reduces work-related annual injury rates by approximately 1.2 cases per 100 workers. US commuting zones more exposed to robot penetration experience a significant increase in drug- or alcohol-related deaths and mental health problems. Employing longitudinal data from Germany, we exploit within-individual changes in robot exposure and document that a one standard deviation change in robot exposure led to a 4% decline in physical job intensity and a 5% decline in disability, but no evidence of significant effects on mental health and work and life satisfaction.

*1:本文では「Commuting zones can be regarded as local labor market areas.」と注釈されている。cf. Commuting zone - Wikipedia