Mostly Economicsが6/13エントリの冒頭で以下のように書いている。
I missed this issue completely but thanks to this voxeu article woke upto it. I mean EZ crisis is one crazy event and events around the crisis keep making you pull your hair once in a while.
以下はMostly Economicsがポインタとして指した6/12voxeu記事からの引用。
This week the German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe is considering a case in which the plaintiffs oppose the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme announced last September by the ECB. The court will consider whether the ECB overstepped its mandate and thus imposed undue risks on German taxpayers. The court would be wise to dismiss the case, if it does not want to risk becoming a threat to Eurozone stability and to taxpayers in Germany and beyond.
The OMT was intended to stop a vicious spiral in spreads on sovereign bonds, which was translating into ever higher borrowing rates for the real economy in EZ countries with problems. This falls squarely within the mandate of the ECB. The ECB is supposed to ensure that monetary conditions are appropriate for the real economy to maintain price stability.
In a detailed deposition to the court, the Bundesbank discusses the intricacies of the transmission mechanism and concludes that differences in the level of interest rates across different countries of the Eurozone reflect economic fundamentals rather than a broken transmission mechanism. OMT is thus, the Bundesbank argues, outside the ECB’s mandate.
この件に関する日本語記事はここ、ここ、ここを参照。なお、Mostly Economicsは独連邦銀行がECBを訴えたかのように書いているが、これらの記事を読む限り、原告は別である。ただ、それらの記事で描かれている光景、即ち、同じドイツ人ECB理事の立場にありながら、ヴァイトマン独連銀総裁がOMT批判、アスムッセン理事がOMT擁護の論述を行った、というのは確かに奇妙な光景である*1。Mostly Economicsは、「ユーロ圏とECBの政治は経済よりも遥かに興味深く複雑(the politics of EZ and ECB is much more interesting and complex than economics is)」と皮肉っている。