
と題したエントリで、Economic Logicがラドガーズ大学のRuby Henryの論文紹介している(エントリの原題は「Overconfident NBA players are lead to a financial demise」で、論文の原題は「Business, Bankruptcy, and Beliefs: The Financial Demise of NBA Stars」)。それによると、1プレー当たりに放ったスリーポイントシュートの数でNBA選手の自信過剰度合いを測定した場合、その度合いが高いほど起業に乗り出す可能性が高く、かつ、破産する確率も高いという。また、彼らが起業に乗り出す先は主に食品と不動産という破産が日常茶飯事の業界であり、かつ、あまりリスク分散をしていない、そうしたことは自らの能力と運に対する自信過剰の結果ではないか、ともEconomic Logicianは述べている。

ただ、論文の要旨を読むと、上述のEconomic Logicによる紹介ほど話は単純なものではないようである:

The financial troubles of professional athletes are an ongoing topic of intrigue. In general, the zealousness brought to private equity schemes are a common factor in observed financial insolvency. Considering the behavioral attribute of self-confidence I propose a simple model which explains entrepreneurial activity and adverse financial outcomes. The model implies that investment effort increases with self-confidence, while promoting financial solvency. Constructing a unique database of NBA players affords a singular opportunity to measure confidence directly from behavior, avoiding bias from self-reported surveys. In addition, I observe for-profit business ventures and use this data to test the model's implications for the outcomes of both entrepreneurial activity (investment effort) and bankruptcy. Without correcting for endogeneity it does appear that starting businesses causes bankruptcy. After using charitable foundations as an instrument, however, the data confirms the model's prediction – that investment effort is associated with financial solvency. That said, I also find that the effect of confidence on bankruptcy to be non-monotonic. Having some confidence decreases the probability of bankruptcy, but high levels increase this probability.