
本石町日記さんツイートデロングが取り上げている4/7付けWaPo論説でサマーズが、ワシントンで開催されたIMF会合+G20財務相中央銀行総裁会議*1への提言という形で、最近の持説である長期停滞について警鐘を鳴らしている。彼は、IMFWorld Economic Outlook最新号で長期停滞仮説を事実上認めた、と述べた後で、金融緩和策の限界について次のように述べている。

In the face of inadequate demand, the world’s primary strategy is easy money. Base interest rates remain at essentially floor levels throughout most of the industrial world. While the United States is tapering quantitative easing, Japan continues to ease on a large scale and Europe seems to be moving closer to taking such a step. All this is better than the kind of tight money that in the 1930s made the Depression great. But it is highly problematic as a dominant growth strategy.

We do not have a strong basis for supposing that reductions in interest rates from very low levels have a large impact on spending decisions. We do know that they strongly encourage leverage, that they place pressure on return-seeking investors to take increased risk, that they inflate asset values and reward financial activity. The spending they induce tends to come at the expense of future demand. We cannot confidently predict the ultimate impacts of the unwinding of massive central bank balance sheets on markets or on the confidence of investors. Finally, a strategy of indefinitely sustained easy money leaves central banks dangerously short of response capacity when and if the next recession comes.

A proper growth strategy would recognize that an era of low real interest rates presents opportunities as well as risks and would focus on the promotion of high-return investments. It would have a number of elements.

そこでサマーズが米国について提案するのが、インフラの再構築である。この点について彼は、「Idle workers + Low interest rates = Time to rebuild infrastructure/Rebuilding the nation’s airports, highways, and bridges will boost the economy and jobs」と題された4/11付けボストングローブ紙の論説記事でも力説している。


With the increase of the value added tax on April 1 , Japan is now engaged in a major fiscal contraction at a time when it is far from clear whether last year’s progress in reversing deflation is anything more than a reflection of one-off exchange rate movements. A return to stagnation and deflation could rapidly call its solvency into question. Japan takes a dangerous risk if it waits to observe the consequences before enacting new fiscal and structural reform measures to promote spending.

この点についてサマーズは、自サイトでリンクしているフォックスニュースのインタビューでも、「日本は非常に狭い岩礁の上を歩いている(Japan is walking on a very narrow ledge)」と警告している。

*1:cf. サマーズがリンクしたブルームバーグの日程表記事IMFのIMF&G20サイト