
という小咄をイェンス・ヴァイトマン・ドイツ連銀総裁がパリのHEC経営大学院での講演の冒頭で披露している(H/T Mostly Economics)。

Just four weeks ago, France and Germany celebrated the 50th anniversary of the “ElyséeTreaty”, the treaty of friendship as it is called. And the friendship between France and Germany has come a long way since Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer met in Paris to sign the treaty.

However, we still cling to our favourite clichés regarding each other’s national cultural behaviour. Let us look at a recent poll in which French people were asked to name some typical German traits. According to this poll, Germans are – first and foremost – very “serious” people. Put in the words of the French writer Stendhal: “It seems that in Paris more jokes are made in the course of one evening than in Germany during a whole month”.

Well, I am German so I would not dare to tell a joke. But as I am in Paris I might try at least to pass on a little quip I heard the other day. It goes like this: “How many Germans do you need to change a light-bulb? One, he holds the light-bulb and the rest of Europe revolves around him”.

I’m afraid this quip reflects the impression some might have of Germany at the moment. But let me add two things: first, the same joke was being told in the 1990s, and back then, the French where the ones holding the light-bulb. Second, the joke did not reflect actual circumstances in the 1990s, nor does it reflect them today.
私はドイツ人ですので、冗談は言わないでおきます。ただ、パリにいるので、取りあえず先日耳にした小咄を紹介しておきましょう。それはこんな感じです:「電球を交換するのに何人のドイツ人が必要か? 一人だ。彼は電球を支えていて、残りの欧州が彼の周りを回る。」



Ladies and gentlemen, I began my speech with a joke about how to change light-bulbs in Europe. As you might know, traditional light-bulbs are increasingly being phased out in the European Union. This is a sign of the changing times we are living in.

But not everything has to change. Proven concepts such as central bank independence should be preserved. Nevertheless, the most important point of my speech is that we all share the same objective: a prosperous European Union and a stable single currency. This is what unites us and keeps us going.
