
Stephen Williamsonが、バーナンキの後継者に擬せられるジャネット・イエレンの考えを、彼女の最近の講演を基に批判している。その批判のエッセンスは、ブログの本文よりむしろコメントでの応答にまとめられているので、以下にそれを引用してみる。

Yellen's speech makes it clear that she's aware of developments in macroeconomics since 1970. Theories of monetary nonneutrality typically give you a Phillips curve tradeoff. There is no problem with Yellen saying the tradeoff exists. The problem is that Yellen thinks that exploiting the tradeoff is a key part of monetary policymaking. Some theories say exploiting the Phillips curve gets you into big trouble. In Lucas's 72 model, we're worse off if the Fed exploits the tradeoff, and if it does so the tradeoff becomes worse - you have to sacrifice more inflation to get the same effect on output. But we don't take Lucas money surprises too seriously any more. But many people take New Keynesian models seriously. In some versions of those models, price stability is actually an optimal policy - you don't want to exploit the Phillips curve tradeoff, just as in Lucas's model. And, if New Keynesians allowed pricing decisions to be affected by changes in the policy regime (as they should), you would get changes in the slope of the Phillips curve with changes in the policy regime, just as in the Lucas model. Where Phillips curves really go haywire is when people think they can use the Phillips curve idea to forecast inflation. Output gaps, however measured, are of no use in forecasting inflation.


Actually, I think there is a valid component in Yellen's remark. Bringing inflation down does require a sacrifice in GDP (and higher unemployment).

But there is a cryptic part about tolerating higher inflation to bring unemployment down to its natural rate. To the best of my knowledge, in New Keynesian models inflation tends to fall when unemployment rises above its natural rate so reducing the output gap should simply prevent inflation from falling below its target. I am not sure why it would actually push inflation up, above its target. I wonder what model Yellen has in mind.


Given that the rate of inflation over the longer run is determined solely by monetary policy, central banks can, and indeed must, determine the long-run level of inflation. In contrast, they cannot do much to affect the maximum sustainable level of employment. That level is determined by factors affecting the structure and dynamics of the labor market that are almost completely outside the control of the central bank.

この前段では2%の「インフレ目標」(inflation goal)を強調しているので、イエレンの念頭にあるのは、Williamsonの言うように失業率を下げるためにフィリップス曲線を利用するというよりは、2%のインフレと維持可能な最低の失業率の組み合わせをピンポイントで目指すことのように思われる。そして、そこからのずれが発生した場合の制御問題を論じているように見える。もちろん、維持可能な最低の失業率を見誤っていたらその制御は失敗に終わる運命にあるが、それはフィリップス曲線トレードオフを利用した結果としての状況の悪化とフィリップス曲線の傾きの変化とはまた別問題のように思われる。

*1:この一文は、ここでWilliamsonが応答した元のコメント「Stephen, are you saying that there is no dynamic tradeoff between inflation and unemployment, or that Yellen believes in the naive Phillips curve?」の後半部分に対応しているものと思われる。