昨日に続き、NEP DGE論文リストRSSから拾った時間軸政策絡みの論文を紹介する。今日紹介するのはNY連銀の今年10月付けのスタッフレポート「The Forward Guidance Puzzle」で、書いたのはMarco Del Negro、Marc Giannoni、Christina Patterson。
With short-term interest rates at the zero lower bound, forward guidance has become a key tool for central bankers, and yet we know little about its effectiveness. Standard medium-scale DSGE models tend to grossly overestimate the impact of forward guidance on the macroeconomy—a phenomenon we call the “forward guidance puzzle.” We explain why this is the case and describe one approach to addressing this issue.
Our proposed solution to the "forward guidance puzzle" is based on the realization that the apparently straightforward experiment "let us fix the short term interest rate to x percent for K periods" has implications for the short term rate that go well beyond the K-th period in medium scale DSGE models. As a consequence, these counterfactuals appear to have an over-sized effect on the macroeconomy. We view the implications of these experiments of short term interest rate in the far future as incredible. They are at odds with both common sense and the empirical evidence of the effects of announcements. We therefore propose to capture the effect of the forward guidance via a slightly different implementation of the experiment, one where we constrain the overall impact of the guidance on long term rates. We show that this alternative approach produces quite reasonable effects on the macroeconomy, as well as a path for short term rates that arguably agrees with the likely impact of credible forward guidance.