

Evans and Honkapohja: Econometrically, what was the big deal about rational expectations?
Sargent: Cross-equation restrictions and the disappearance of any free parameters associated with expectations.
Evans and Honkapohja: What do you mean “disappearance”?
Sargent: In rational expectations models, people’s beliefs are among the outcomes of our theorizing. They are not inputs.
Evans and Honkapohja: Do you think that differences among people’s models are important aspects of macroeconomic policy debates?
Sargent: The fact is that you simply cannot talk about those differences within the typical rational expectations model. There is a communism of models. All agents inside the model, the econometrician, and God share the same model. The powerful and useful empirical implications of rational expectations—the cross-equation restrictions and the legitimacy of the appeal to a law of large number in GMM estimation—derive from that communism of models.
Evans and Honkapohja: What role do cross-equation restrictions play in Lucas’s Critique?
Sargent: They are everything. The positive part of Lucas’s critique was to urge applied macroeconomists and econometricians to develop ways to implement those cross-equation restrictions. His paper had three examples. What transcends them is their cross-equation restrictions, and the absence of free parameters describing expectations. In a nutshell, Lucas’s critique of prerational expectations work was, “you have ignored cross equation restrictions, and they are all important for policy evaluation.”
Evans and Honkapohja: What do those cross-equation restrictions have to say about the evidence in favor of coefficient volatility that Bob Lucas talked about in the first part of his “Critique”?
Sargent: Little or nothing. Lucas used evidence of coefficient drift and add factors to bash the Keynesians, but as I read his paper, at least, he didn’t claim to offer an explanation for the observed drift. His three examples are each time-invariant structures. Data from them would not have coefficient drift even if you fit one of those misspecified Keynesian models. So the connection of the first part of his paper to the second was weak.


Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja

上記のモデルの共産主義云々のくだりは、3年前の池尾=池田論争で引き合いに出されているほか*2、昨年のサージェントのノーベル賞受賞時にFT紙上でのジョン・ケイ(John Kay)による攻撃材料に使われている*3。ちなみにインタビューの後段では、サージェント自身が学習の導入による「共産主義の崩壊」について触れている。


Evans and Honkapohja: Do you feel that your work contributed to the Lucas critique?
Sargent: It depends what you mean by “contribute.” Lucas attended a conference on rational expectations at the University of Minnesota in the spring of 1973. The day after the conference, I received a call from Pittsburgh. Bob had lost a manuscript and thought he might have left it at the conference. I went to the room in Ford Hall at which we had held the conference and found a folder with yellow sheets in it. I looked at the first few pages. It was Bob’s Critique. I mailed the manuscript back to Bob. So, yes, I contributed to the Critique.


Evans and Honkapohja




*3:「従って合理的期待は共産主義と同じ理由で失敗した――独占者の傲慢と無知だ(Rational expectations consequently fail for the same reason communism failed – the arrogance and ignorance of the monopolist.)」